What is the main purpose for having a purpose?

To satisfy a feeling of belonging or want for yourself to fit in The idea of having a purpose is a benign delusion that helps most people cope with life's meaningless stresses and incomprehensible disasters. If you can find a way to abandon the "benign delusion" of having a purpose and still cope with the hard parts of reality you might do better. However if the "benign delusion" of having a purpose includes other people, I cannot recommend abandoning it as that may be less benign than just keeping the delusion undisturbed The function in evolution of "benign delusions" such as having a purpose, etc.Are usually to assist binding human societies, human groups, and human families together.

The systems in the brain for their formation evolved long before language did (most primates and some other mammals and certain bird species also can form them), so beliefs had to form faster than they could be verified. Now our language often shows us the beliefs formed in "benign delusions" are wrong and that is very hard to accept The very same brain systems that support "benign delusions" can support clinical delusions, causing many mental illnesses. The very brain wiring that helps hold our societies and relationships together, is the root of delusional mental illness As I know some people will be shocked by this and reject it I expect it to be censored.

The main purpose is to protect the surface of a table or any other surface where the user might place their beverage.

To become men and reproduce babies with women so as to prevent humality from extinction! To become men and reproduce with women, as to prevent humanity from becoming extinct! The Grammar Nazi has struck again!

The main purpose of boys is to become men and reproduce with women, in order to prevent humanity from becoming extinct! Improve answer. First answer by ...

We were created to receive from God and love He didn't want robots, He wanted real love. In order for that to happen, He gave us free will, but mankind loved the flesh more than God. Mankind used free will/choice and didn't choose God.

The reason that we are here is that we may overcome every folly and prepare ourselves for eternal life in the future. We came to earth to prepare ourselves for eternal life. It is necessary that we go through this mortal experience, or probation, by which we may prove ourselves worthy, through the aid of our elder brother Jesus.

You are that which came from nothing on your way to all things... therefore look and observe and see the the path to this progression.. it is all around you and within you.

The purpose of life is to reproduce. Nothing more and that isn't even mandatory as you can always serve in a supporting role.

The purpose in life is to love, live, have a family, and to help other. Well, that is mine any ways. Each person has a different purpose, and a chose to live out their purpose or not to live out their purpose.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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