I like dessert, but for me, it’s more of a treat than to close the meal. Most dessert I really enjoy are commercial ice cream from certain brands. Haagen Daz green tea ice cream is really to die for, IMHO.
But right now I am absolutely craving wine ice cream from Japan. The wine is mixed into the ice cream and they use real wine! I very rarely drink wine because I don’t like wine in general and the price is rocket high here.
But the wine in the ice cream is really delicious! They have taste like peach merlot or champagne something. I don’t remember all their taste, but it’s a mix between fruit and wine I usually have to have 2 scoops with different flavor.Lol.
Banana Split Cake (although it's really more of a pie) is my favorite; it has a little of all the flavors I enjoy, chocolate, bananas, cherries, cool whip, pineapple... and there are variations (caramel, pecans, peanuts, strawberries. ) It's so versatile anyone can adapt it to their own favorite flavors. Here's my recipe: 3 bananas 11/2 cups graham cracker crumbs pineapple sundae topping chocolate sundae topping strawberry sundae topping 1/2 cup pecans chopped Maraschino cherries 1 8 oz carton Cool Whip (or your favorite whipped topping) 1 pint vanilla ice cream ( your favorite brand) allow to soften slightly then beat with a mixer.1/2 stick butter 1- 13x9 in glass rectangular dish Slightly melt the butter and mix it thoroughly with the graham cracker crumbs in the glass dish.
Spread a thin layer across the bottom to create the crust. Next add the ice cream, spreading evenly across the crust. Slice the bananas lengthwise and layer across the ice cream.
Cover with cool whip. Next drizzle strawberry topping, pineapple, then the chocolate. Sprinkle cherries and nuts across.
Place in freezer for about 1 hour then serve.
Even though I love a lot of puddings and cakes ,recently tried a wonderful thai dessert and was a great success. Wow its delicious. All of them liked it.
Particularly my kids enjoyed it as it not only tasted great but also it was one which they were able to give a hand in the making like mixing in the colors etc.... Learned it from the web source and quoting the same for your kind browsel. It was a pleasure making it with the family. -----quote---- 1/2 can water chestnuts 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup tapioca flour 1/3 cup sugar 5 drops red food coloring 1/3 cup coconut milk Take half a can of water chestnuts, about 10-15 pieces.
Use fresh water chestnuts if you like, but the ones in the can are already peeled and ready to be used. Slice each chestnut into half, making two round disks. Make two cuts into the two disks to make 6 equally sized pieces.
Set chestnut pieces into a bowl and drop the red food coloring and a teaspoon of water and mix well. If you would like to use other natural food coloring, I would recommend beet juice that comes from boiled beets. The next step is to turn the red chestnuts into rubies.
Drain the chestnuts of any juice. Put tapioca flour in a big bowl. Drop the chestnuts in and shake the bowl around to coat the chestnuts with flour.
Scoop the chestnuts into a strainer to get rid of the excess flour. Put it into another bowl. Here is the secret: spray some water on the chestnuts with a misting spritzer.
Put them back in the flour bowl. Coat them with flour again. If you want bigger rubies, repeat the spraying and flouring.
Boil a pot of water. When boiling, dump the coated rubies in. The cooked rubies will float and show their beautiful color.
Scoop them up in a strainer and dump them in ice water. In a small cup add sugar and water to make syrup. Microwave the cup for 3-4 minutes depending on your microwave.
Divide the rubies into equal amounts and set in two bowls. Pour out water from the bowls. Add half of the coconut milk and half of the syrup to make one serving.
Serve with crushed ice in the summer time. -----end quote---- Note: ------- Even though the recipe sticks to red food color only I made them with red,green white yellow etc...It was a great sight for the kids. Its really a mouthwatering dish.
My favorite dessert is Apple pie. I love it because it is easy to make and always comes out right. I think I am actually addicted to it.
If there is anything like an apple pie addict, then I am oneïŠ. This is how to prepare it. *Apple pie recipe INGREDIENTS • 3 tablespoons flour • 1/2 cup butter( unsalted) • 1/4 cup water • 1/2 cup granulated white sugar • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar • 8 apples (peeled, cored and sliced PREPARATION: 1.
Preheat oven to 220 degrees C. 2. Get a saucepan and Melt the butter.
Add the flour and stir to form a smooth paste. 3. Add some water, the white and brown sugar, and bring it to a boil.
Reduce the temperature and let it simmer. Set aside 4. Next Place the bottom crust in the pan and Fill with the apples slightly mounded.
Make a lattice crust and use to cover the apples. 5. Carefully and slowly , pour the butter and sugar mixture over the crust without letting it run off 6.
Put in the preheated oven and Bake for 15 minutes on 220 degrees C. Then Reduce it to 175 degrees C and bake for another 35 to 45 minutes 7. Take out of oven.
Leave to cool, and enjoy.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.