What is your best advise, you learned by experience in how to make relationships work? How to restore relationships?

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Communication is key. I have never tried to restore a relationship nor have I ever wanted to.

My relationships were always bad in the past. I chose the wrong guys. I would definitely try to restore any issues in my current relationship though, but then again, he is not a jerk like the others were.

I think I choose the guys who are not emotionally available. I think I am afraid to communicate...thinking they will control my whole life. Shasha 9 months ago .

Shasha. I don't really know what to tell you, Honey. Relationships are hard.

I know it sounds trite, but living in a relationship is the same as living in general. Be the best person you can, be honest, love yourself, be kind, be someone that someone else would want to be with, be willing to compromise, but stand by your principles. Restoring them?

That's tough. You can't control over people. Sometimes people change, they want to be somewhere else in their lives.

You can only do your best to be the best person you can be, and avoid being needy, or desperate. I wish the best for you, hope you find happiness. Good luck.

I think I do smother love...scare them away. I have a hard time being myself...freeze up from endomorphins. Being kind/compromise.

Why does neediness...make people run? To act like a person needs no one makes a person an island. Shasha 9 months ago .

Love the best you could and that is all you can do.

I have done my best...but I don't want to miss out on a relationship with the guy I love, since I am not able to love maybe in the way he needs. If the whole point of life on earth is to learn to love...I feel like I have not learned that yet. Thanks.

Shasha 9 months ago .

I agree with Morning Dew communication is key because without that you could never possibly have a good relationship, and another thing is patience and understanding...without those three things I don't think I could ever tolerate my husband .

I think I also don't forgive 100%...but I get sad and are never the same after being hurt. I can't shake the sadness. Thanks.

Shasha 9 months ago .

Honest, open, communication, and trust, you need to be able to talk to each other about anything at all and trust the other person to listen and not judge. In myopinion, if you can't do that, a relationship will never work.

If you can't relate it is not much of a relationship. I have mostly one way relationships...wish it was 2 way relationships. I am not good at communication...to afraid they will leave/control everything.Thanks.

Shasha 9 months ago .

I completely understand the being afraid to communicate. I used to be afraid to communicate thinking i'd get made fun of or look like a fool. I think if the person is truly the right one for you, you will have the trust to open up and talk about anything.

And once it goes well the first time, you'll trust even more! Good Luck .

I left things unexplained...he thought the worse/didn't defend myself...I wish I had good communication...but I tried to focus on the present. Shasha 9 months ago .

Putting all the syrupy BS aside, it amounts to:1. COMMANALITY--That includes values, family, lifestyles, even status. There are no "Cinderella storys" out there except for the shopgirl abandoned in a cheap motel.2.

CHEMISTRY--That's that little spark, that makes all the BS worthwhile..It's where LOVE comes from..3. PHYSICAL ATTRACTION--Do you "look like a couple"? We've all seen couples that look like Mutt & Jeff.So, we say "it must be love"--or MONEY..."She's hot--He's not"--(or vice-versa), only in fairy tales.. Even if you have all this, it's still a crap shoot...But if you do have all three, the odds move much closer to your favor..Think of a three legged stool.. Three legs--solid... Two or less legs, you can teeter, but only for awhile.. The divorce courts are full of legless stools..

I don't think the guy I love knows who I am....I hide it... I can change to enjoy anything. Great help. Thanks.

Shasha 9 months ago .

People that are in abusive relationships and can not focus in school/work.

Shasha. I don't really know what to tell you, Honey. Relationships are hard.

I know it sounds trite, but living in a relationship is the same as living in general. Be the best person you can, be honest, love yourself, be kind, be someone that someone else would want to be with, be willing to compromise, but stand by your principles. Restoring them?

That's tough. You can't control over people. Sometimes people change, they want to be somewhere else in their lives.

You can only do your best to be the best person you can be, and avoid being needy, or desperate. I wish the best for you, hope you find happiness. Good luck.

Maggo 55 months ago.

Love the best you could and that is all you can do. Nicole8 60 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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