What is your honest opinion of England?

I'm from England so I'm a good person to answer, anyway England in many ways is home to me and I like my Country since it has good food, nice entertainment, roast dinners etc although we do have bad whether over here and also some of the people in England, especially London aren't nice people. England is pretty so so for me since I live in Engalnd but compared to other countries like Ireland, Afganhastan, Iraq were not bad! That's my view on my Country.

I have never been there. Saw lots of pictures of it though very beautiful the country side the castles the lushes greenery in teh country. The cute stone houses along the way.

London the big city looks very fun to visit lots to see and do. And of course the queen place and all the horses and tourist things. What I have been seeing in the past few years however there is alot of gangs and hoodlums starting riots And im not just talking this past year.

Even with there football ( soccer games) people tearing down stadiums starting fires. Then you have riots of different kinds and alot of skin head in the news creating problems. Very sad to see.

I never saw it like this before. The worlds changing . I always saw england as dignified and well mannered .

But not what they show on the news with the younger generation.

England is wonderful! Apart from deserts, we have the whole World in these islands of ours. The history and the influence we have had on the whole World is amazing.

The list of places to visit, which many superficial Guide Books don't even mention is mind-boggling. For example, who knows that the hymn "Rock of Ages" was written by a guy sheltering from the rain in a cleft rock in the Cheddar Gorge? That a skeleton of a prehistoric cave dweller there is related to a local school teacher in the 21st Century (the wonders of DNA) Shame about many of our inhabitants.

If you are thinking of coming, be sure to bring a raincoat and umbrella. It is said that we don't have a climate, we "just have weather".

It's beautiful if you know where to go. My favourite is the Yorkshire moors and dales, all those stone walls, stone houses, wonderful clear streams and sheep (unless they're dead in the stream). You can wrap up warm and walk for miles when it's cool and find a beautiful pub with proper English ale.

Only trouble is the folk are such racists towards Muslims, though they're always kind to three Chinese girls in walking gear.

I always think of it as a cool, damp and wet place where I can wear my jacket and walk around and when I breathe out, this puff is visible from my nose. :) I like London and London-Heathrow. :) EDIT: I would consider it.


I've never been there, so I really don't have anything on which to base an opinion in my personal experience. I'd like to visit some day, and see for myself.

I like England. Their people are classy. And to what I've seen on tv , England looks like a really nice country.

I would love to go there. And yes , I'd definitely like to live there.

I like England. I like the fact that they're classy and they have manners. I like the entertainment, its very funny.

I love england considering I live here but sometimes it can be boring especially if you don't live in a big city like london.

A wonderful country and the most charming culture in entire Europe.

Yes I like a lot of things about England, though I'm slightly biased since my mom is British.

As an English girl I've gotta say - I love it! :).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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