What to do about a puppy that chews everything?

It is interesting and fun to the puppy. Newly growing teeth need something to chew.

PREVENTION: • Spray “Apple Bitter�

Or any bitter solution. Apple Bitter is colorless and odorless, but puppy / dogs hate the taste of it. It will help to prevent puppy from chewing.

€¢ Provide your puppy healthy, durable chew toys or ice cube or bones to chew instead of lace / cord. Why is the puppy chewing the bed sheet / cord / sandle? Moreover some hookworm infestations help the puppy to do it.

Do not allow your puppy to chew your toe or any finger of leg. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

These are some few tips I found online on how to stop your puppies from chewing anything that he sees in sight: 1. Follow him around with a squirt bottle and spritzing him with the 'stop it' or 'off' command. Since you are supervising him and he is not confined this should be easy.. If you have to leave him in vulnerable areas like wire and cables, the best thing to do would be to coat electrical cables, wooden corners and other areas with Bitter Apple Spray or cream.

For those who are not stopped with Bitter Apple try to put Vaseline on the item instead and then sprinkle some cayenne pepper. 2. Give the your puppy a good alternatives.

You can choose many chew toys for dogs which you will find in the pet store. Here are some tips on what is the best chew toy to buy. You should buy a chew toy that doe not look everything in your house that you don't want your pup to chew on.

Examples are Kong Toy because they are made of hard rubber and they are hollow inside and there is a hole in the bottom. This rubber should not resemble anything inside the house.

It seems the puppy has developed a pattern/habit of chewing already therefore it is necessary to change the habit. Your friend might try using Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper but this may only make the puppy move to another object. She might also need to buy some special chew toys like Puppy Kong that can be filled with treats (see photo) or the waggle treat dispenser.(see photo) These can be purchased at your local pet store.It's important to correct your puppy when you catch him in the act, not later.

Replace the improper item with a chew toy. And always praise him when you catch him with the chew toy. Consistency is important.

And remember not all toys are intended for all pups; large dogs with strong jaws require a stronger, sturdier chew toy than a stuffed animal or squeaky toy.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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