I always put potato chips on vanilla ice cream, if I don't have those I use Rice Krispies. *I put Doritos on peanut butter and jelly. *Dip potato chips in a ketchup/mustard mix........not really weird in my opinion, but others think it is.
*Marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches. *I used to just eat mayonnaise sandwhiches when I was little....bread and mayo only!
My favorite sandwich is tomato/peanut butter and mayonnaise on white bread. I can hardly wait each year until the garden tomatoes ripen so I can have a really good one! It takes a real tomato that kind of bites, to make it really good.
One of my favorite uncles introduced me to this when I was a kid and no one else has ever tried it that I know of. :).
I usually take a block of cheese and roll it up into a ball. Then I take the crust of two pieces of white bread and roll it up around the ball of cheese. Then I take pretzel sticks and stab them into the ball of doughy cheese.
I started this in the second grade and I cannot seem to stop.
I have been told that it is against the laws of nature that I eat cereal without milk. I have never liked milk in my cereal. I have tried it a few times over the years, and I have found that it does not matter what kind of cereal it is, I just want to eat it dry.
Mind you that I will usually drink a large glass of milk when I have my cereal in the morning, but never the twain shall meet. I have also once had a person vomit in line behind me at Subway as I was walking the counter girl though how to make my favorite sub. The recipe is as follows: Toasted Italian herb and cheese bread Tuna fish Black olives Pickles Green peppers Oregano A touch of salt and pepper Extra mayo Mustard I always get strange looks when I order this, but I love the taste.
Costco hot dogs w/ketchup and onions. I have yet to see anyone else eat their hot dogs like this, but the crunchiness of the onions and the flavor of the ketchup goes so well for me. :).
My latest dinner creation is Cajun Marinated Alligator legs on a bed of German sauerkraut. It's really easy to fix. I get the alligator legs pre-marinated and frozen at a local supermarket.
I also get imported German sauerkraut in cans. After defrosting the legs, I cook them in the microwave in a steamer cooking bag. Then I place a large portion of sauerkraut on a dish, put the alligator legs on the sauerkraut, cover with a paper towel, and put them through the microwave's reheat setting.
The whole thing takes about 5 minutes. Serve with Abita Jockamo IPA. Although this is an easy gourmet dish, I don't remember ever seeing it at a restaurant or in anyone else's URL1 maybe other people don't like the combination?
Mix together --- Scrambled Eggs, Cooked Ground Beef, and Cooked Rice... Put some Butter and Salt on top .... Yumm! No one really likes it, however, its sooooo good! And really cheap lol.
I have always eaten white beans and rice with bread and butter pickles. My kids think that it is gross but to me it is a comfort food because my mother has eaten it that way for as long as I can remember.
Vermont Maple Syrup on my beef tenderloin. Nuff said.
I grew up where eating peanut butter and banana together for a sandwich was common. Seems that is not the case everywhere. We also ate peanut butter and mayonnaise and peanut butter and butter.
Mustard and cheese sandwiches, and mustard and mayo with fries. But the one my kids seem to have the most issue with is a pineapple sandwich with mayo. I like salt on my watermelon not sugar and like salt on my grits too.
Even my family things I am weird on those. But even with all those, when I arrived here, I found what I thought was the oddest thing: Cheese ice cream - not cream cheese, actual cheddar type cheese. It's actually not bad.
I also like the avocado ice cream but don't care for the corn one (yes sweet yellow corn in ice cream). I have not seen the ones for veggies like broccoli and maluungaay.
I don’t know if any of these are considered weird combinations, but here goes! I love watermelon with feta cheese, similar to lotusia. I also love hummus with almost anything, including any type of veggie, especially bell peppers.
I love soy sauce on brown rice and with smoked salmon, so yummy! When I make lentils, I make them with garlic, cumin, paprika, and cinnamon, the flavors together are fabulous. Also I’m American but I lived in Egypt for years so I like to make a traditional Egyptian dish called kosheri, which is lentils, rice, and small macaroni all combined together.
Then I make a tomato sauce from scratch with vinegar that goes on top, followed with browned onions. It is absolutely delicious but when I describe it people always give me weird looks. Carb overdose!
This is kosheri, although I make it a bit differently.
My top 3 list: 1. Ramon, ranch and barbecue sauce. 2.
Miracle Whip and Ritz Crackers. 3. Rice- then corn, milk, flour, butter, and black pepper.Yes.
All of that mixed together right before all the water is sucked up or evaporated. Stir it in until creamy, then take it off the stove.
Lime jelly beans or lime jelly candy slices and a glass of cold milk Pickled herring and creamed pickled herring ( used to be able to eat this) anchovies(used to be able to eat this) apples dipped in ranch dressing and then into imitation bacon bits Extra shrarp aged chedder chunks dipped in melted chocolate bagles brushed with butter and dipped in kosher salt.
Fried okra, covered with mushroom gravy. Truly a delight. Wonderful stuff I discovered by accident by some overloaded mashed potatoes fortunately next to my fried okra.
Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
Here I thought I had something original, but Corey, you've already included it in the question, sort of! Just yesterday after his Latin class I took my son to McDonald's. He had a hard time in class because he was having a migraine headache.
He ordered fries and ice cream, and proceeded to dip the fries into the ice cream. I thought it was really odd, but tried it, and it was good! Sweet and salty, cold and hot, creamy and crisp.
Just about perfect, really. But fries don't make very stable dippers. This is the kid that has given us some other surprisingly good combos: ham and jelly sandwiches (first made at age 7); salsa on pasta (like the ultimate "garden" spaghetti sauce); and the potentially most expensive mistake: at Maggie Moo's, mixing Cotton Candy ice cream with Mango sorbet.
Maggie Moo's ain't cheap, folks, and when he ordered it at age 10, I told him if he didn't like the combination, he'd not be getting another cone to make up for it. It looked like a blue/orange tie-die excrescence on the cone, but again, the kiddo got it right: the almost too-sweet cotton candy was nicely balanced by the tartness of the mango. He gets odd looks when he orders one now, but it's too good to care!
And I just remembered his most recent creation: calamari chocolate fondue. There's a South Pacific/fusion restaurant near us, and they have both an amazing range of seafood, and a real chocolate fountain (not chocolate "sauce", but melted chocolate). He thought he'd try tempura-battered calamari dipped in the chocolate.It was good!
He got an absolutely horrified look from a little 6-year-old girl who was daintily dipping her strawberry in at the same time. And for his birthday last week, he had a chocolate cake: chocolate chunk brownie cake topped with a layer of marshmallow creme, a layer of chocolate icing on top of that, crumbled chocolate, that read "Happy Birthday"--in bacon.It was great!
Peanut butter on bread topped with a couple of hot pieces of crispy bacon. Prosciutto ham wrapped around a piece of cantaloupe and when I was a kid I had brown sugar and butter sandwiches for lunch. Tastes just like cookie dough.
Okay guys don't get grossed out. I have to do this on homemade Pizza because no-one has ever heard anything so disgusting (comments made on my wierd tastebuds), so this has to be homemade on Shoprite frozen pizza. I got this weird combo when I first got pregnant 10 years ago and the cravings have not stopped and I am not pregnant anymore.It's Pizza with toppings of grapes and sweetcorn and then smothered with Ketchup, strange I must admit, it tastes sooooooo good.
If anyone wants to try this pizza make sure they are green grapes!
I like eating real peanut butter (like Laura Scudder brand) with plain full fat yogurt. I know it sounds gross, but if you already enjoy putting nuts, raisins and granola on your plain yogurt, peanut butter is a small step away. And it has an interesting texture offset in my mouth.
I would not recommend trying this with the sugary retail brands like Jiff and Skippy, the texture would be all wrong.
Similar to a previous answer...but at the same time, SO different ;) Wendy's french fries dipped in to a Frosty....the ultimate combo Also, ketchup on white rice. It's the only way my mom could get me to eat rice as a kid and now I hate white rice cause it doesn't come with ketchup on it To the previous answerer....slaw is good on lots of things...especially steak and cheese subs :) I'm another dry cereal eater and I eat peanut butter by the spoonful...I don't think that's too uncommon That's all I've got for now...I'm sure I'll think of some more later...I'm a really weird eater.
I like tacos with hot sauce. The thing is I like the taco hot enough to clear the sinuses. I also like my shredded beef szechuan the same way.
And when I get done with either I like some ice cream for dessert.
When I was younger I use to get sour pickles on my Hot Dogs along with the usual Ketchup, Mustard Chili. I don't know if it's that crazy no one understood why. I also like Arby's curly fries with arby's sauce and ketchup mixed together but I think a lot of people probably at least try it once.
Cucumber and honey: 1. Slice some cucumber quite thickly. 2.
Put a thin drizzle of honey over the top. Melon and chicken sandwich: 1. Smear butter over 2 slices of bread.2.
Cut some melon really thin and place it over one slice of bread. 3. Buy some ready chopped chicken, or thinly slice some breast meat, and layer it neatly over the melony bread.4.
Place second slice over the first. They are so yum! Oh, and rice crispies and ham blended together are nice, to.
Hope these make you laugh, and have the urge to try them to!
One of the food combos that I absolutely love is chocolate and bacon! I've had it at the state fair, Mo's bacon bars, and have even made my own before including a bacon fudge that I made up on my own. Chocolate covered bacon is the best thing ever.It has that salty and chocolaty taste.
I haven't meet very many people that like it.
1) Hot Sauce on Pizza. My favorite hot sauce is Tabasco, but i'm starting to enjoy asian style sweet hot sauces. My favorite pizza has sausage and artichoke hearts.
Add some hot sauce to that, and I'm in food heaven. 2) Peanut Butter in ramen noodle soup. Just a little, like say a teaspoon (NOT a table spoon) or so.
Boil the water, add the noodles. Wait a couple minutes then add the peanut butter. Stir well for that last minute, put about half the spice packet into a bowl, then pull the noodles (with as much peanut butter as you can get) out of the water with a fork and put them in the bowl.
Mix well.
I enjoy a eating a Chili dog topped with grated cheese, mustard, ketchup and topped off with cole slaw. There was only one place in town that served it that way and now they are gone. It just doesn't taste quite the same when I make it at home.
Watermelon eaten with white cheese (which I prefer) or any cheese you would like and bread on the side!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.