Blue. Blue is the sky and the sea, a sapphire, the summer rain, the background for rainbows, and the color holding the stars on the American flag. It is the flight of a Blue Jay and the egg of a robin.
Blue is special because there's no blue food. George Carlin said so! Yet blueberries love blue so much that they don't want to be called purple.
Blue can be dark, medium or light, and it can be sexy midnight blue. Blue is royal! Therefore, it rules.
Blue is safety in the shape of a police uniform and those who choose to serve and protect us. It can calm us or give us a ride on an airplane with JetBlue. You don't get the reds or the yellows, you get the blues.It's an entire emotion.
Blue is our sad music and the tears we cry to let it out in order to feel better again. The blues are inseparable from Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday and Miles Davis. Elvis Presley might have a "Blue Christmas" without you. You can be true blue, be the best with the blue ribbon, or surprise me out of the blue. You can be a blue blood or become part of the Blue Man Group. You can learn about blue whales, the largest on earth: You can do something once in a blue moon. You can eat Blue Bell ice cream. You can have a Blue Hawaiian drink and watch a "Blue's Clues" television show or read "The Bluest Eye" blues. It0 or look up the value of your vehicle in a Blue Book. We can wear blue jeans, and listen to Dr. Hook tell us that "Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk. " or have a look at this cool web site: You might have blue eyes, or make Crystal Gayle's brown eyes blue: And here is a fun page all about blue:
Red. The Chinese believe that red is good luck. It's a color of strength and power.It bullies other colors because it can, but doesn't feel good about it.
It's just red's nature. Red never shows it, though. Still waters run deep.
And red. If Zeus were a color, he'd be red. Even though Mars is the red planet, Jupiter has an enormous red spot.
That's where Zeus lives. Red is sometimes associated with sin and fire, both of which can be pretty hot. There's a reason why it wasn't called The Blue Shoe Diaries.
Redd Fox. The term 'red balls' doesn't really exist, but if it did, it wouldn't be all sad like 'blue balls.' Red Dawn. Nominated for Best Picture in 1982: Reds.
Not nominated: Green Ice, Electric Blue The Movie, and Trail of the Pink Panther. Red is the most common color of Kool Aid. Red just wins.
Aquamarine. What's better than a blend of blue and green? "The term "aquamarine" literally translates to "sea water".
Not by sheer coincidence then has this gem been associated with the sea. Some even called it the gemstone of mermaids. There are many who believed that this stone was protective to sailors at sea.
Paisley has always been my favorite color.
Green. It is the color that is most restful for the human eye. When shooters need to rest their eyes, they look at something green.
Green is the color of the chlorophyll-rich vegetation that renews the oxygen we need to live. The frequency of green light is in the middle of the visible spectrum. Green is the color of money (in the US at least) ;).
Just think of a shady forest on a hot summer day, and you'll see why green is where it's at.
Purple. It's a beautiful yet mysterious color.
In 1981, Sadka began experimenting with color as a means of better understanding people’s personalities. Today, his Dewey Color System has become a patented business of its own, boasting a website, merchandise—such as stuffed animals and home decorating systems—and a number of devotees. Sadka leads readers through a series of questions to help them get to the root of their hopes, dreams and fears.
His system relies upon various combinations of a person’s favorite and least favorite colors, which the reader selects from four palettes provided with the book. Astrology-like descriptions of the inner workings each color profile (e.g. If yellow is your favorite color "finding common ground is the game you play best") make up the bulk of this book. The rest of it consists of arguments that support the validity of the test that may or may not sway skeptics.
Credulity aside, however, Sadka’s test is lots of fun, and his personality descriptions may surprise even the most cynical of readers. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Get Ready to Discover Your True ColorsWhat motivates you? S your favorite color? Believe it or not, these two questions are inherently linked.
And using the groundbreaking, fun, and remarkably accurate personality test in this book, you? Ll learn to fine-tune your career goals, improve your communication skills, and deepen your relationships with romantic partners, friends, family members, and coworkers? All based on your color choices.
Just flip to the color chart and pick your colors? From primaries like red and blue to variations like magenta and indigo. Then turn to the sections in the book that describe your energy type.
Each color is identified with certain personality traits, and whether you like or dislike a certain hue, you? Ll soon increase your self-awareness, sharpen your decision-making and problem-solving skills, gain insight into your personal relationships, romance, and career . And have loads of fun!
The Dewey Color System? Can be used as a practical lifestyle tool to help you:? Get in touch with your true self?
Likes and dislikes, areas for self-improvement, passions and powers? Understand how you relate to your partner, your parents, your siblings, and your children? As well as your boss and coworkers?
Choose a wardrobe, shop for your home, and select colors that project the real youJoin the more than 70 million people who have taken a simplified version of this test on the Web and choose your colors. It will change your life!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.