I HATE daylight savings time. All it does is cause confusion! And headaches from changing our sleep patterns.It is supposed to make it lighter in the morning so there are fewer traffic accidents in winter, but all it does is make it so that everyone is driving home in the dark.
And why the need to spring forward then? Why not just leave it well enough alone? I actually think the whole world should go to one time zone, let alone stop changing the clocks for daylight savings time.
We would all still do things at the same time of the day by the sun. It would just be called a different hour of the day. I propose we all use Greenwich time.
I personally think it's a great idea. It does exactly what it's supposed to and the change itself isn't something I find to be much of a problem at all. I suppose I do have a large number of clocks and watches to set, but half of them do it automatically and it's more than worth the effort.It's great to have daylight for the extra hour during the nicest part of the year.
We have daylight saving. I like it. In summer when you get home from work you can enjoy a few more hours of sunlight out and about with the family.
Its horrible leaving for work in the dark and coming home in the dark, its wonderful to 'feel' like you have extra time to do things outside - bike riding, swimming just playing in the backyard. And in winter I'm not getting up in the dark trying to get everyone ready for school, its light enough to atleast feel like waking up :) When my kids were younger it was a bit hard to get them to sleep in summer with daylight saving but I hung a dark curtain in their room, kept to their nightly bedtime schedule and all was well!
We have it twice a year here too. Its annoying at first, but I get used to it quickly.
We have it here on the East coast. I think it's an idea that has seen it's time. It was originally done for the farmers and I don't think we have this culture nationwide anymore and farming is done by large conglomerates now.
I live in Arizona and we do not change times. We stay at the same time. Half the year we are in Pacific time and half we are Mountain time.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.