Which has more caffeine - Dt. Coke or Green Tea?

Which has more caffeine - Dt. Coke or Green Tea? Given a choice, which cold drink is "better" for you?(i.e.

Less caffeine, less sugar, more health benefits)I currently drink several Dt. Cokes per day, but I am considering switching to green tea. Thoughts?

Suggestions? Thanks! Asked by KuriousKat 57 months ago Similar questions: caffeine Dt Coke Green Tea Food & Drink > Drink.

Similar questions: caffeine Dt Coke Green Tea.

There's more to the equation than just caffeine, as you note. Overall, green tea is the better choice. I usually consult this index for caffeine content.

According to that list, the caffeine content of Diet Coke is 45.6mg per serving, while green tea clocks in at 15mg. That's a little misleading, since the caf content of tea is heavily dependent on brew time, number of uses of the leaves (each subsequent cup of tea brewed from the same leaves will contain about half the caf content of the previous cup, more or less) and so on. Tea has a high antioxdant content, which is a huge benefit of switching.

Also, make sure you're drinking a tea that's either unsweetened or diet (i.e. No high fructose corn syrup). Tea also comes in a variety of flavor combinations...you can get it flavored with wolfberries, ginger, blueberries, etc.The tea, unlike the Coke, will contain no phosphoric or citric acid, and so presents another benefit to your digestion.

I recently made the switch to tea. I won't say that on really, really bad mornings -- like when the toddler gets me up at 4am -- I don't need the occasional cup of coffee. But 9 days in 10 I get by with no coffee or soda at all.

My acid reflux, which used to be regularly aggravated by what I was drinking, has subsided to nothing. I couldn't be more pleased. Lipton's Diet Green Tea in citrus and mixed berry flavors is decent.

Arizona Tea makes a great diet green that comes in a huge pony can for a buck. I like that as well. Hope this helps!

Joram's Recommendations The Green Tea User's Manual Amazon List Price: $17.00 Used from: $10.12 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the dden Dangers of America's #1 Drug Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $3.40 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 38 reviews) Green Tea Health Benefits and Applications (Food Science and Technology) Amazon List Price: $149.95 Used from: $100.00 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) New Tastes in Green Tea: A Novel Flavor for Familiar Drinks, Dishes, and Desserts Amazon List Price: $22.95 Used from: $13.74 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) The Book of Green Tea Amazon List Price: $16.95 Used from: $2.04 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 5 reviews) Video My favorite green tea commercial.

Decaffeinated Diet Coke has less caffeine than green tea. But green tea is probably better for you. Decaf Diet Coke is just flavored water with a sugar substitute.

Green tea has nutrients that are good for you, plus a little caffeine, but not enough to do any damage. See chinesefood.about.com/library/weekly/aa0... for the lowdown on what green tea can do for you. I drink Decaf Diet Coke on occasion because it tastes good, and is refreshing.

But I also drink a couple of cups of green tea every day for the health benefits. I buy decaffeinated green tea, which tastes the same as regular. Bigelow makes a good decaffeinated green tea.

Sources: personal experience .

Green tea - but water's best of course12-ounce beverage milligramsRed Bull (8.2 oz) 80.0Jolt 71.2Pepsi One 55.5Mountain Dew 55.0Mountain Dew Code Red 55.0Diet Mountain Dew 55.0Kick Citrus 54.0Mellow Yellow 52.8Surge 51.0Tab 46.8Diet Coke 45.6Shasta Cola 44.4Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4Shasta Diet Cola 44.4RC Cola 43.0Diet RC 43.0Dr. Pepper 41.0Diet Dr. Pepper 41.0Diet Sunkist Orange 41.0Mr. Pibb 40.0Sugar-Free Mr. Pibb 40.0Red Flash 40.0Sunkist Orange 40.0Slim-Fast Cappuccino Delight Shake 40.0Ruby Red 39.0Storm 38.0Big Red 38.0Pepsi-Cola 37.5Pepsi Twist 37.5Diet Pepsi Jazz 37.5Diet Pepsi 36.0Wild Cherry Pepsi 38.0Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi 36.0Diet Pepsi Twist 36.0Aspen 36.0Coca-Cola Classic 34.0Cherry Coke 34.0Lemon Coke 34.0Vanilla Coke 34.0Diet Cherry Coke 34.0Snapple Flavored Teas (Reg. Or Diet) 31.5Canada Dry Cola 30.0A&W Creme Soda 29.0Nestea Sweet Iced Tea 26.5Nestea Unsweetened Iced Tea 26.0Barq's Root Beer 23.0A&W Diet Creme Soda 22.0Slim-Fast Chocolate Flavors 20.0Snapple Sweet Tea 12.0Lipton Brisk, All Varieties 9Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2Diet Rite Cola 0Sprite 07-Up 0Mug Root Beer 0Diet Barq's Root Beer 0Sundrop Orange 0Minute Maid Orange 0A&W Root Beer 0Slice 0Sierra Mist 0Fresca 0Other Beverages8-ounce Beverage milligramsCoffee, Drip 115-175Coffee, Brewed 80-135Coffee, Espresso (2 ounces) 100Coffee, Instant 65-100Tea, iced 47Tea, brewed, imported brands (avg.) 60Tea, brewed, U.S. Brands (avg. ) 40Tea, instant 30Tea, green 15Hot cocoa 14Coffee, Decaf, brewed 3-4Coffee, Decaf, instant 2-3 Sources: http://wilstar.com/caffeine.htm .

Green tea has multiple benefits Green tea has less caffeine than soft drinks and has many touted helath benefits especially for your digestive system. Be aware that you may suffer some caffeine withdrawal symptoms at first when cutting back caffeinne such as headaches and fatigue. They go away after the first week or so.

Just be prepared for them an dyou may want to switch slowly rather than all at once cutting back completely on caffeine.

There is no question that freshly brewed green tea is healthier for you than diet coke. However, if you're compared diet coke to a bottled green tea, they're probably pretty similar. The antioxidants in tea break down over time, starting shortly after the tea is brewed, so bottled tea is unlikely to give you the same health benefits as freshly brewed tea.

Furthermore, many bottled teas are loaded with sugar or artificial sweetener. The caffeine content also varies widely. For some green teas it can be less than would be in a similar serving of diet coke, but it can also be higher.It's impossible to generalize.

My recommendation? Avoid all processed drinks, including soft drinks and bottled tea. Drinking freshly brewed tea is great, and if you want to drink it cold, brew it up ahead of time and then drink it (within a day or two so it's fresh).

If you're on the run and don't have time, you're best off just drinking water. More info on bottled teas and why to avoid them:ratetea.net/topic/bottled-tea/4/ net/topic/bottled-tea/4.

" "Green Tea -- I buy in quart bottles at Trader Joe's and drink instead of bottled water ...

If you drink tea that bad do you need to go to the hospital.

Green Tea -- I buy in quart bottles at Trader Joe's and drink instead of bottled water ...

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