Which is better a gas grill or charcoal grill and why?

We have used both and we enjoy the flavor a charcoal grill gives the food. We do sometimes have a problem with the coals never being actually hot enough to sear the meat. I also like the direct control you have over the temperature with a gas grill.

Gas grills are much easier to ignite most models have push-button ignitions. So, there are pros and cons to owning a gas grill, just as there are advantages and disadvantages to owning a charcoal model. You can do what my family did and—buy both!

If you truly enjoy outdoor cooking, it makes sense to own two models that you use for different purposes. For example, you can use the gas grill for cooking quick barbeque meals during the week, and break out the charcoal grill for when you want to take your time on the weekend.

We prefer the charcoal grill, and recently purchased a new one since our little hibachi was completely over-worked. We purchased a Weber Silver. My husband loves this grill, affectionately refers to it as "Silver", and has a cover (Silver's blanket) that he carefully places around it after grilling.

There is a special bond that people develop with their charcoal drills that gas grills don't evoke. Cooking on a gas grill is like cooking on your stove outside. Cooking on a charcoal grill is more of an event that has all of the elements of a great meal, planning, preparation, and anticipation.

Watching the steak cook on the coals, slowly developing that outside char and all the while making sure the fire doesn't get too big is all part of the feeding ritual that so many people don't take time for. When we were shopping for a new grill, there was no doubt that we were going for a charcoal grill, but at the store, amid tons of bagged charcoal, there was only one charcoal grill for sale. All of the rest were gas grills.

I prefer a gas grill by a large margin. I've personally never owned a charcoal grill, but there are a variety of very high quality gas units available. There seems to be much more selection, especially when it comes to some of the more expensive luxury models.

Also, I like that gas grills can be hooked up to your main gas line so you're always ready to go and never run out of fuel. There are also several built in gas grills available so that you can have a full outdoor kitchen rather than just a standalone unit. I don't know if you can get that same level of customization with charcoal units.

My opinion would be gas... Sure it's a few extra bucks but it's convenience far out weighs the cost You don't have to wait forever to start it It cooks faster And I just all round like the taste better... but that's me Over those I'd like a smoker... but that also is a one up over gas... it takes longer than both to cook... but you'll never taste anything better if you cook it right.

I’ve cooked on both gas and charcoal grills and I really enjoy both for different reasons. If I have the time, cooking on a charcoal grill gives great taste and allows me to mess around with fire and heat which I definitely enjoy. There’s an art to charcoal grilling which is part of the experience that I enjoy.

That said, for everyday cooking, I much prefer the convenience and consistency of a gas grill. I love that I can fire it up in less than five minutes any day of the week and any time of year (I grill year round). I often get home a little late and I just wouldn’t cook on the grill if I had to spend 30-40 minutes getting it setup.

For that reason, when I needed a new grill last year, I went with gas (Ducane to be exact – it’s designed by the people who make Weber, but doesn’t have the expensive name). To me, it is definitely worth the extra cost and I’ll sacrifice a little of the flavor in order to cook on the grill more regularly. Two more notes: 1.

If you do get a gas grill, don’t get sucked into all the extras (side burners, rotisseries, etc. ). I know several people who have bought them and virtually none who have used them.2. Get the Weber Big Book of Grilling – it’s a great go-to book for cooking on the grill and I haven’t had a bad thing out of the book yet.


My husband won’t cook on anything but a charcoal grill, which is my favorite to cook on as well. We both love the taste and flavors that our food gets from being grilled using the charcoal bricks found in a local grocery store. We have owned a gas grill in the past, but neither of us liked the flavor that our food had after being grilled on it, so we switched back to our charcoal grill and began cooking out a lot more than we did when we had our gas grill.

We wouldn’t trade our charcoal grill, but we do know people who swear by a gas grill as well. So, my advice would be to taste the food cooked on both kinds of grills and then decide which one you like the most.

When we bought our first house, my husband made a built in grill (or barbecue as we English call them,) out of concrete blocks. It had several shelf levels and as it was against a wall was sheltered from the wind. It had a pull out metal tray to remove the ash and space each side to put plates etc, it looked really professional and cost almost nothing.In the winter we removed the metal shelves and the tray, it was then weatherproof.

The food we cooked on that grill was the best you can imagine, it worked beautifully. When we moved ,he wanted to get a gas model. This was a huge, black ,round, expensive, monster of a thing which to my mind resembled a large mobile bomb!

There were only tiny shelves to the side for plates and as it was on wheels we could never seem to get it level. In the winter we had to try and stash it in the shed and it still went rusty.In my opinion, food cooked on a charcoal grill has a far better taste, we used to try adding herbs or oak-chips to the hot coals of the gas monster, but it was never quite the same. I know you have to wait for a while before the charcoal is ready to cook with, but you can allow for that.

Also I think it is easier to carry a bag of charcoal than a gas bottle and you are not so likely to run out of it, you can see your charcoal. If you can't for some reason, have a built in job, I would still choose a charcoal grill every time, mostly because of the taste and the cost. The website below makes comparisons and may help you choose.

By far by far by far go with charcoal! I can't stress it enough! The point of grilling is that it is a leisurely activity that also has the benefit of making meat and veggies (and even s'mores!) have the distinct grill taste!

I personally have used both a gas and charcoal grill, and have always had the most positive experience and feedback from the charcoal. At our home, we have the best of both worlds-a gas starter for the charcoal.It is made by Weber, and what happens is that it uses a gas startup directly on a pile of charcoal, which is faster so you don't have to build a chimney and crumple newspaper and hope it lights. It is a fantastic invention, one I would highly recommend for all your grilling needs!

Here is a purchasing link below: http://www.lowes.com/pd_177887-505-1421001_4294857763+4294963688_4294937087?productId=3115769&Ns=p_product_rating|0&pl=1¤tURL=/pl_Weber_4294857763%204294963688_4294937087_?rpp=15$cm_mmc=search_google-_-Seasonal%20Grills-_-Grills%20Brands%20Weber-_-weber%20grills%20on%20sale$Ns=p_product_rating|0#prod-tabs Also, just read how positive each review is-it really is a fantastic grill. Just buy it once, and you have it for life, because you'll be so happy with it! I would say that if you don't want to go in that direction, do stick with a charcoal grill.

Nothing can replace the wonderful and distinct smoky flavor of a true fire.It also makes it much more social-you all can have drinks and stand around the fire, watching the sparks fly into the night on a nice summer evening. Plus, fire keeps the bugs away, an added benefit. Charcoal grills come in all shapes and sizes; I've seen a 9 inch radius grill go for about $20, so it's real reasonable-you can do 2-3 burgers at once.So not only is charcoal the most cost effective, but also it just makes the food taste soooooooo much better.

Here is a nice 22.5'' model: http://www.lowes.com/pd_27071-505-741001_4294857763+4294963688_4294937087?productId=3055249&Ns=p_product_rating|0&pl=1¤tURL=/pl_Weber_4294857763%204294963688_4294937087_?Ns=p_product_rating|0 I can't even tell you the world of difference. It's worth waiting to fire up the grill with charcoal, always and everytime.P.S.Once you get your charcoal grill, try using Cowboy Lump Charcoal.It doesn't have the chemically taste of Kingsford.

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