Which professional sports teams are in Chicago?

Chicago, Illinois has professional teams in a variety of sports. Probably the most well known is the Chicago White Sox or the Chicago Cubs, both professional Baseball teams. Chicago also has a professional football team, basketball team, hockey team, and a soccer team.

The Cubs and the White Sox are the professional baseball teams in Chicago. The Cubs are older, being founded in 1870 versus the White Sox in 1900. For professional football, the Chicago Bears started in 1919 and continue to play for Chicago.

There is even a hockey professional team in Chicago called the Chicago Blackhawks. Don't count out the women, women also have sports to attend. Chicago Sky is the basketball team, Red Stairs for soccer, and two football teams are available, the Chicago Force and Chicago Bliss.

Chicago, Illinois is home to several professional sports teams. This includes two baseball teams, a football team, a basketball team, a hockey team, and a soccer team. The Chicago Cubs, the city’s baseball team, were established in 1870 and are most famous for their current 102 year championship drought.

This is the longest such streak in any of the major American sports. Chicago’s other baseball team, the White Sox, was founded in 1900 and has won the World Series as recently as 2005. The Bears, Chicago’s football team, was started in 1919 and won their 700th football game in November of this year.

The Chicago Blackhawks have won the Stanley Cup, professional hockey’s championship, four times. They are the current reigning champions, after beating the Philadelphia Flyers in the finals last season. The youngest of Chicago’s major sports franchises, the Fire soccer team began in 1997 and has already claimed one Major League Soccer Cup.In addition to these professional men’s sports team, Chicago also features a professional women’s basketball team (Chicago Sky), soccer team (Chicago Red Stars), and two football teams (Chicago Force and Chicago Bliss).

Chicago is one of the largest cities in the United States with many professional sports teams. The major professional sports team in Chicago are: Chicago Cubs baseball Chicago White Sox baseball Chicago Bulls basketball Chicago Bears football Learn more about the professional sports teams in Chicago at this web site: Source: thebestsportsblog.com.

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