Who actually believes in the "Christian" devil and/or "The everlasting lake of fire" i.e. hell?What god hates so much?

Who actually believes in the "Christian" devil and/or "The everlasting lake of fire" i.e. Hell? What god hates so much?

I personally believe in the,"DARK,spiritual energy of DESTRUCTION", which is the industrial waste of the "LIGHT, spiritual energy of CREATION". My Faith,"Sight", a lifetime of personal experience shows me individuals and entire generations of families, through the grace of "The Creator", have and are able to manipulate the 4 basal elements of nature to cause change on both the physical and spiritual planes of existence. Multitudes of the powerless were burned alive "In the Name of Christ".

Asked by Diego1975 6 months ago Similar questions: believes Christian devil everlasting lake fire hell god hates Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: believes Christian devil everlasting lake fire hell god hates.

A great many more than you could ever imagine.

I am not a religious person and I think that the idea that anyone, let alone a deity, could burn humans forever is truly sick and demented. Man controls others with fear, promotes compliant behaviour. This has happened for years by manmade religions.

I find it very disturbing that anyone could believe in this stuff, it is not even now promoted by the major churches including the Catholic Church. They say there is no hell but a separation from God. This 'do as I say or you burn' philosophy is convoluted and borderline neurotic.It also shows a complete lack of understanding of human psychology and that some people have psychological afflictions that preclude any understanding of right or wrong.

And right and wrong are culturally specific. Many psychopaths have no power of their actions as it is innate, they were born that way. I have no bone to pick with ordinary religious people who are devoted to doing good deeds in their communities but this extreme stuff is truly terrifying.

Jexebellion 6 months ago.

And I must add that I truly regard the Salvation Army and many other religious organisation as great institutions that do help the poor and do good for others. But they do it without threats of damnation etc even if they believe in it. Jexebellion 6 months ago.

THANK YOU! It's basic common sense, yet generations refuse to ask the big questions. Why am I a Christian?

Who wrote the Bible? Who is this King James guy? What historical Monarch made a decision that allowed people to follow the first Protestants , the Lutherans?

These are just a few. Most people follow the organized religion they grew up with or get recruited (during a time of crisis) into one of the over 300 different sects of Christianity, who all claim to be the only way to God. If they only knew that more people have been slaughtered in the name of Christ, than all the deaths of war, disease and famine combined.

Makes you wonder................................ Diego1975 6 months ago .

Like all the other gods throughout history, the so-called "one God" believed in by so many religions, is a fabrication of the minds of those who in the early days of that "civilized" society felt a need to have some sort of being to thank when things went good, blame when things went bad. And, like all the other gods, this one demands obedience, love and devotion, or else you will suffer hell-fire and damnation as outlined in the book which accompanies that religion, in this case, the Bible, the Q'ran, the Book of Mormon and whatever other books are out there featuring fictionalized tales designed to make people toe the line. In ancient Egypt, if you didn't do that, you were doomed forever to wander in darkness.In ancient Rome, there were any number of possibilities and on and on.

Actually, the hell-fire and damnation concept which is endorsed by so many fundamentalists throughout history and even into today did not gain popularity until the publication of Dante's "Inferno" which took readers on a trip through the various levels of hell. Despite the fact, Dante was Catholic, the Protestant fundamentalists picked up on the idea of making sinners suffer and to this day preach hell-fire, brimstone and eternal damnation in a lake of fire if you aren't a believer.It's somewhat unbelievable that in this supposedly enlightened age that such a large number of people believe in such antiquated ideas, but they do. What I find sad is that one of them - Michele Bachman - is a highly-rated contender for the Republican Presidential nomination.

Can you imagine what this country would be like if such a nutcase were to be elected President? My attitude towards the whole thing is: don't try to cram your unbelievable beliefs down my throat and we'll get along fine. I won't try to force you to believe as I do, in turn.

You have a right to your beliefs, just as I have a right to mine. And, if mine don't involve paying homage to a non-existent deity sitting high in the sky, so what? And in the end, we'll both go to the same place (and won't you be surprised?

) to be re-born again in another body until we finally reach a state of perfection (which is, of course, unattainable, but we learn more each time and what we learn, determines who and what we are the next time around).

We are both riding the same train, just looking out different windows. I call it the "Turning of the Wheel", and what you may call Karma, I call the "Law of three fold return". I completely honor your beliefs and am not one to cram any kind of religion on anyone.

I really have a hard time with organized religion. It's like organized fun when you were 5 years old. It was never really organized and NOT Fun.

Peace ManDIEGOThanks! Diego1975 6 months ago .

God doesn't hate, He loves. However, your disbelief of God and Christians is evident. Open your mind.

I know the Bible well and the history behind it's many incarnations. In my family we were/are required to study the Bible and attend a minimum of three different sects of the Christian faith for a year. I never said I did not believe in God.

All I have to do is pick a leaf off a tree, look at the miracle and know of our Creator. I believe that parts of what little we have left of the Bible has great historical significance. I believe Jesus was real and selfless, a great teacher with a timeless message.

I agree with much Bible knowledge of "God", "The Creator", "The Word", "The One" (all names for the Creator of Love and Forever), but I am not a Christian. I am truly happy for anyone who finds FAITH and all of it's benefits, freely given and true Faith benefits both the body and soul. I am part of something different.

A family legacy of Creations' Grace. "And Goodness and Mercy shall Follow US, all the Days, all the Days of OUR Lives". Everything I am is OPEN, not just my mind.

Thank you for your post. Diego1975 6 months ago .

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Faith is calling those things that are not as though they were. In other words, it is a deep seeded belief beyond emotion that change will happen.

Faith is thanking God today for what He will provide tomorrow. It is a life-changing concept that brings light into the world. It is not an idea that can rationalized or debated.It is what it is and you will have it when you soften your heart and ask for help.

You would be very surprised at how Jesus' love has spread to many families and nations and generations without the help of evangelism for the Holy Spirit can quicken any and all to seek God first. What good do we produce or create on our own. Humans can neither create nor destroy.

The senses can be manipulated by many factors and often remain very limited or self-centered. The Name of Jesus is exalted gh above all names because Jesus, the Creator of all things, came as the Son of Man to follow the Father's will to die and rise again in three days. Jesus ascended to heaven and is currently at the right hand of the Father.

The Son of God has already won the War. It is up to us to ask for help against the endless Lies of the Adversary. But Jesus already won!

And the best part: you can have a relationship with Jesus in which the will of God becomes clear in your life through consistent review of faith-building concepts provided in the Bible. No tabernacle needed, and no Levites.It is free for all and you can know the Lord. Just suspend your own disbelief and try to believe like a child would.

Put your pride aside and just try to seek the Lord. You may be very surprised.

I am sorry, but you did NOT answer ANY part of my question. You did, however have my grade school English Teacher rolling over in her grave. I'm not trying to be rude, but did you even read what you posted, BEFORE you posted?

I have a real itch to use a red pencil and mark up your entire post with grammatical corrections. There are too many to list. English is my second language.

I hope it is your second language as well, otherwise you have no excuse for the nonsense posted as an answer to my question. Diego1975 6 months ago .

I am sorry JOE for my rude response, I know you are trying to convey a heart felt message of your Faith. It was wrong for me to chastise your grammar. Mine is passable at the very best of times.

I have no room to talk or throw stones. Please forgive me, though I am undeserving. DiegoThanks!

Diego1975 6 months ago .

You're right, Diego. I could do better regarding grammar and punctuation considering English is my first language. I didn't answer your question directly, but I just tried to convey some of the elements of Faith that have changed my life for the better.

God doesn't send people to hell. It is a mind-bending concept, but God of the Bible has an endless capacity for forgiving people, but God cannot and will not bend to sin. The notion from the Word is that every human soul has a chance on this Earth to believe or have Faith in God.

The Holy Spirit makes the presence of God clear on Earth. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God. It is Unbelief or lack of Faith in the Almighty and Jesus that is most displeasing to God and, according to the Bible, leads to eternal separation from God.

We all live eternally, but it's a matter of eternal communion with God or eternal separation. As an accountable human being, Your choice to follow God occurs on Earth. This will happen some time in your life and will hinge on your reaction to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.No one comes to the Father but through the Work of Jesus on the cross, who died for all sins and was raised again in three days.

Jesus' work on the cross had to occur because of the Fallen condition of Man. All Men and Women have a capacity for good. However, these works amount to hay and stubble without a relationship with Christ which provides access to God's will on Earth.

Jesus was a King but not of any earthly Kingdom. Though we all are undeserving, God sent his only Son to Earth as a Man to pay off the debt that had accumulated for all descendants of Adam and Eve. For this, we were all undeserving, but what greater love is there than Jesus' sacrifice on the cross (the perfect example of heroic altruism).

Whether you want to question is welcome, but God does not send people to hell. The division between Good and Evil, or the sheep and the goats is actually a manifestation of God's innate character of Love. This Love is what created everything from nothing in the first place.

Man disobeyed and chose to reason with Lies in the Garden. But God's infinite capability to Love has not been changed. But what do we do?

According to the Bible, you would have to first accept that you need help as many of us have done for all have fallen short of the glory of God. Then immediately seek God by confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and rejoice and be thankful for your salvation. Then simply accept Christ into your life as a friend and confidant.

When you truly open the door of your heart and mind, the Holy Spirit will do the rest no matter what the situation.

Please read my question again. I asked WHAT god hates so much? There are many, many gods.My path was laid out before me before my birth.

The "bait" was the word "hate". I was hoping someone could see the contradiction of any god who would give his soul filled creations such a short life to live up to his standards. If we talk about the god of the Christian Religion, then not a single person living or dead has or will be clean enough to enter his glory.

Why would the god of unconditional LOVE build an ETERNITY of HORROR and never ending PAIN & TORTURE for the souls of beings (he/she created) and gave the life span less than a dust mite, to learn perfection? That is why the men who wrote what is left of the original Bible threw in a loophole called the the sacrifice of Christ. Talk about the souls' version of major tax evasion.

If you study, really seek out the beginnings of what is called Christianity today, what you find will break you. Sometimes it is better to just hold on tightly to the Faith you have now. Faith is a wonderful thing for the body and spirit.

Follow your path. No one is wrong, or right for that matter. We all come together and move on together.

This is but the first step in a journey of light. Diego1975 6 months ago .

Thank you, TLW! Your question really makes no sense.

As noted earlier, the only reliable testimony is that from Jesus Christ; the only reliable record-keeping is that from s disciples who recorded s words a few years to a couple of decades within s resurrection and ascension. No other human beings' "history" comes close to the accuracy the New Testament involves. A human must believe something; one might as well believe what is verifiable.

Once one realizes that one is living in rebellion to one's Creator, one easily realizes that what one's Creator says will not be pleasant. At least it's the truth.

You are getting confused. The one who hates so much is the devil - who was originally one of the higher ranking angels until he decided to try to supplant God. You are also confusing the acts of power hungry men who used religion as an excuse to commit evil acts.

A person can cut down the Christian view...but God answers prayer and the Holy spirit is great....man's logic is not enough to understand.

Jesus hated religion...don't throw away God due to religion. People may question what they are taught...stray and later come back to it like the prodigal son. Man's logic may think of a good alternative story...but it may not be right.. God blesses.

I see my Chritian friends being very blessed...more than others. When a person is unconnected with God...they die...spiritually and more.

Well that's just because you are a pagan. Pagans aren't humble enough to let go and let God work through them.

Sounds like Pagans are not the only ones lacking in humility. Being a Catholic, you should KNOW that most if it's practices are Pagan in origin or just plain Pagan. If you would like I'll list a minimum of ten.

Just ask. Diego1975 5 months ago .

It is being humble to submit to God. To know that you are not able to be perfect and that only God is perfect is a great a wonderful humility. And I do know my faith as a Catholic.

The main reason former Catholics leave is because they never took the time to learn our faith. That is how I know nothing in our faith is pagan. It is all for the glory and honor and worship of God.So go ahead and list your 10 Diego.

Right brother, I tend to agree however don't make the mistake of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, read the pre-Nicene Teachings, Plato and Socrates, ps. So called 'magic' is kids stuff so stay out of danger and stick with the Heart, Compassion is the Law of Laws. Blessings .

Those ideas are outdated by now although there will be those who still cling to them. I believe in Tibet their idea of hell is a frozen place where you get crushed by big blocks of ice, sort of like in a crevass. Oh well .. That's why the Master came with his message of Love for God and mankind, quite an improvement over the dire concept of earlier times.

Remember, God did not create a religion. God is LIFE.

Religion and Spirituality" "My sister says she thinks there is no devil but she believes in God. She's....." ""Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it." comments? " (10 answers) "Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell.

What does this mean?" "Religion & Spirituality.

My sister says she thinks there is no devil but she believes in God. She's.....

Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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