I have come to realize that beauty and sex sells in the entertainment industry. And to be frank, the directors and movie producers are more interested in making more money from a movie than on anything else. And what better way could they do that than introducing the major factors that brings a movie to the highlights and glare of movie lovers; sex and beauty of course.As for twilight, I noticed that the teenagers, especially the females build a fantasy easily with a good looking movie character than one that is just ‘’okay’’.
It is true that the twilight series are very captivating and has an interesting story line , but believe me the teens are looking for more than that, they want something they can hold on to after the movie ends. They want a figure they can visualize in their minds , a model for the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend. Someone they can use to make comparisons (my niece does that often..Lol).
The bottom line is that beauty really sells.
I remember my son reading the first Twilight book and picturing Jacob to be very big and bulky. When he seen the movie he could not believe what he looked like, it just was not what he had imagined. I believe the Twilight movies are geared toward teens and what sells best?
Beauty! My opinion is if the vampires were not so good looking , there would be less people interested in the Twilight movies. It is funny at the Twilight movies when Edward first is shown and all the young girls gasp and holler.
That is because Edward is so handsome. If I were directing a movie, I would probably do the same thing. I would cast very attractive people, vampires or not.
I do not think that beauty can be seen on the outside, but let's face it, many people do and especially teenagers. Girls or teens all over have crushes on Edward and Jacob both! http://www.flickr.com/photos/tiffanykraypics/3599643314.
I thought that vampires were suppose to be attractive in general, even way before Twilight every hit the stands or box office. For real, I always thought that one of the features a vampire had was to be extremely sensuous, charming, seductive and alluring. Why?
To be able to draw in prey. Why what type of ugly vampire would be able to lure in lunch? Personally I don't think many of the actors and actresses of the Twilight saga are very attractive.
I defiantly don't think they are overly attractive. I think great deal of the appeal is the characters. I can't recall watching any movies that feature really unattractive vampires.
Most of them usually have some sort of sexual appeal and are attractive on some level. Now the werewolves are a different story. I didn't think they were generally attractive before Twilight.
I haven't studied much into the attributes of them to know for certain.
Sure, really plain looking. I think there are a lot of reasons people can have for hating Twilight, but to claim that the vamps in Twilight are much more attractive than the characters of True Blood feels like a stretch. I would say that the Twilight cast is much younger overall, so with age you are not as beautiful today as you were yesterday.
Twilight's cast are not as diverse in age as the True Blood cast. Maybe the makeup or costuming is what is giving the perception that the True Blood vampires are "dirtier" or "real" After all, Twilight vampires do sparkle!
In my own opinion, I think those who thought of casting good looking personalities to star in Twilight movies thought of marketing the movie well. Since Twilight received a lot of positive reviews and feedback especially from teenagers so they decided to cast good looking vampires. It is known that many or a big part of Twilight's audience comes from tweens and teens and they want the movie to appeal to them.
I think it would make a lot of impact if Bella and Edward as well as the rest of the characters in the movie would appeal to a huge part of the die-hard fans and these are teenagers. My daughter who is only 12 years old already have a poster of Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart in her bedroom. I think this is the reason why producers and makers of the film thought carefully on how and who they are going to cast in the movie because this will make a big difference in the audience reception to it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.