Why are conservatives demonizing the Occupy Wall Street protesters? Don't they hate fiscal irresponsibility?

They are protesting the economic polices in this country and through out the world. Some have different concerns about corporate welfare while others are concerned about how we elect our government officials and want to see campaign finance reform, They want corporate interests and lobbiests monies to stop fueling campaigns because the candidate with the most money usually wins. They want jobs created here and not outsourced to other countries.

They want to see Americans make livable wages. OWS did not start out as a partisan movement, that is to say it's not supposed to be about the democrats fighting the republicans but rather about all of us 99% taking a stand in how corporations control our country in almost every aspect. It's a philosophical and pragmatic revolution.

Sadly as wonderful as this country we are being stomped on by big powerful financial institutions. An example is the manipulation of the stock market and the downfall of the real estate market. Just less than a year ago banks were soliciting me to take out home equity loans on my house that they appraised at over $275,000.

When I went to sell it less than a year later the same banks appraised it at $217,000 . Although many people are bashing the OWS movement it should be recognized and appreciated that people still believe they can rally and promote change. There is power in numbers so people have risen to the cause and its been very exciting to keep tabs on, I haven't been to any of the protest but know people who have.

It is rumored that some of the violence isn't actually from the protesters but are planted by people who want to see the movement fail and make the participants look like a bunch of lazy low lives. This movement is for everyone who is struggling it is not supposed to be about political loyalties but about creating jobs that pay livable wages. I don't see why anyone would criticize that.

Corporate Malfeasance - and the fact that the Government has rewarded them for it. The OWS is pointing out that Republicans and Corporations have utterly perverted Capitalism - threatening to destroy it. You see, Republicans and Corporations have rigged the system so that ---- "Losses are Socialized .... (taxpayers make up for their losses) ..... and Profits are Privatized" ..... See?

That's Moral Turpitude - and Perversion of Capitalism. .. Now, a lot of Righties mock the OWS movement - because they are stooges of FOX, and FOX panders to their ignorance - and turns them into whining blowhards. And remember - FOX is a Foreign Owned company with no real ties to America. Another reason Righties mock the OWS movement is because - well - the OWS movement has garnered over 60% of American's support.

The Tea Party, by contrast, never got more than 36% support from the American People. ..

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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