Why are the Republicans crying about the Debt Ceiling when it was raised 18 times under Ronald Reagan?

Because a democratic president wasn't at stake. And, Washington politics has become more partisan than ever before. Mitch Mcconnell's most important goal is that Obama not be reelected.

That's more important to him than the country. That's more important to him than his constituents. The same is true of the tea party.

Straw Dog".....not even a "straw man"..... What was done or not done in the past is no validation it should be done now. Both parties are hypocrites... and not facing reality...... you NEVER get out of debt borrowing more money A bloody nose now .....is better than an amputated leg later..... Both parties are using FEAR to paralyze the nation and make raising the debt ceiling the only option..... WHY?..... so they can carry on business as usual..... waste and mis-manage tax payer dollars Are they talking about not spending 1.2 billion dollars on refurbishing our military installations in South Korea.... NO.....they are talking about screwing with Medicare or Medicaid.....or Social Security....."hot button" issues they KNOW America will not accept..... are they talking about stop pumping BILLIONS of tax dollars into the economies of the 132 countries where we have troops stationed.....Are they talking about stopping Foreign Aid to countries that often hate us and waste our "gifts" on corruption.... NO.....they only talk about cutting programs they KNOW you won't accept Do you know 50,000 TRILLION tax dollars..... enough one dollar bills to reach the moon and back..... have been spent since 1954 protecting South Korea from a country that can not feed itself every winter.....North Korea only exists because China feeds it like a house pet Why are we protecting one of the richest countries in Asia.....In Europe.....If you want to cut something ....CUT THAT INSANITY EDIT.... Wake Up...... The Republicans....the party of small government....Reagan their "hero" doubled the size of government....The Democrats.... the party for the disenfranchised / poor.... did everything they could to block the civil rights bill.... two of their Congressmen were KKK grand dragons BOTH political parties are NOT living up to their pledge to the American people. As to why the Republicans failed to object when the debt ceiling was raised before...... that was then; this is now..... we are closer to bankruptcy than we have ever been in history..... WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE GONE INTO DEBT.....but here we are.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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