Many school districts and other property owners have their own gas wells in Fort Worth, Texas. They earn a lot of money. Pennsylvania and Maryland may be next.
I believe NG and FCV will be the future by 2015. The fuel cell technology will begin mass production in about four years. GoldenLion 1 day ago .
Natural gas is fine. But why mess with a fuel cell? Just burn the gas in the cars we have now.
All they need is a tank and some adjustments.
I would LOVE to dig a hole in my back yard and hit oil! Black gold! Texas tea!
The customer is king in a free market system. Is big oil trying to force a paradigm shift away from oil? Every major automotive company has a fuel cell prototype?
Why? I have a list of FCV prototypes. Chrysler invested over $1 billion in FCV R&D.
My guess is that Mercedes will be the first to offer a mass produced FCV with a home refueling system. GoldenLion 1 day ago .
The customer is king when there are other options to take advantage of. Our options are very limited when it comes to fuel: take it or leave it.
We can easily produce our own fuel, but we need different people in Washington before that will happen. I would love to tell all those oil rich countries that hate us to "Go to hell, we don't need you anymore".
Each of the states should be allowed too produce its own fuel for local and foreign consumption. The constant problems associated with centralized refineries and fuel distribution will plague the system and pose risk. Decentralized energy production is more stable and competitive.
The competition will increase supply and reduce price. GoldenLion 1 day ago .
We've been over this with you time and again. Take a good look at this graph.
Draw a box around the areas where ex oilmen were prez and vice-prez. Do you notice any change in the rate of decline between the colored and uncolored areas? Do you see any decline in the decline or rate of decline?
Now think ahead, as Alaska dries up. Forget about oil sands, that's been tried time and again, major fails every time, even with huge subsidies. Think.Png.
Explain why oil are imports are increasing while the trade deficit is increasing. The trade deficit is causing inflation. Inflation trends upward can not last forever.
Therefore, there will be a fuel shortage. You ignored my argument about how NG shale drillers have switch to drilling for oil. The US will become a net oil exporter.
You ignored the possibility of war in the Middle East. Ask yourself why "Quatar is the fast growing economy in the world"? In my opinion, the chart demonstrates the energy crisis that has occurred in america because of "imported oil" dependance.
The US need to produce its own energy, as it did in the 70s, reversing $80/bar oil to below $10/bar. Remember? GoldenLion 1 day ago .
You've put out the same blather time and again before. I'm sorry that you seem to lack that certain part of the brain that accepts and processes quantitative data, and an overdeveloped part that forces you to believe anything you see on Youtube or on the tee-vee. US oil production is on a steep decline.
Fuel cell vehicles are not going to happen until the cost of the fuel cell comes down by a factor of 10, their life extends by a factor of 10, and a source of Hydrogen is found (which won't happen) that does not cost many times more than gasoline and does not throw away 2/3rds of the energy. There isn't enough money or real-estate in the USA to make any significant quantity of algae-derived fuel.
Actually, higher gas prices encourages innovative and efficient sources of energy.
I have been watching the rise of biofuels. Blue green algae, sea water, heat can provide an unlimited supply of ethanol. I image the barriers in place protect the existing ethanol system from a flood of cheap ethanol from Mexico.
I think the barriers are unconstitutional becomes it limits free trade. Protectionism raises prices and subsidizes specific groups. GoldenLion 1 day ago .
CHICAGO (CBS) – At one time, $5 per gallon gas seemed like a far-fetched idea, but that is no longer the case. As of Monday, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the Chicago area is $4.11, compared with $3.71 a month ago, and about $3.10 a gallon at this time a year ago. Some experts say $5 per gallon gas is possible by Memorial Day-or sometime in summer.
Others caution that reaching that mark is unlikely over the next six weeks. In Chicago, the prices keep rising to near-record levels–with no relief in sight.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.