Why does the Christian Religion get a lot of criticism and it seems OK, but then when Islam is made fun of...?

Muslims Honestly your average middle eastern Muslim makes a bible thumping red neck look secular. Again I'm talking about the REAL Muslims, as in the ones in the middle east not those watered down Westernized Muslims that are pretty much secular and only Muslim in tittle.

Well, lets see. Sorting out all those claiming to be of one religion or another and boiling it down to the "true" believers. You have to decide between Christians............whom might be irritating as they preach to you, try to shame you into doing the right thing and once in a while go astray and hold up protest signs.

(I say gone 'astray' because as a Christian you know people will be judged for thier actions by God and that we are just messengers of the word. We can't save anyone or force them to get saved) OR Muslims, whom by majority may be peaceful, but how many know the koran and have studied it in context? The radicals as they are called are supported in there ideology of "killing the infidels".

Are you going to believe some stuffy snob American whom spends too much time in thier 'ivory tower'? Or are you going to believe the many islamic raised people whom have escaped the middle east and are under death treats for converting out of the religion and know what its all about? Sura 9 (verse of the swords) clearly says that ALL whom do not convert shall be put under the foot of Islam, and sanctions violence toward Christians and Jews.

If you don't know the koran IN CONTEXT, STFU, you have no basis to comment. OR You can go Atheist, whom seem to be full of rage and anger. Because you can look around even here on Y/A and see the vile attitude they have towards Christians and other religions.

A cross in a WW2 cemetary stands as a monument for all, has stood for decades overlooking the area, but along comes some little atheist bastard and for some reason that cross bugs them. They just can't enjoy the scenery and move along. Unless you get the really arrogant little bastards whom proudly and loudly proclaim "THERE IS NO GOD"............with absolutely no proof of such of course.

So we are expected to simply believe some young moron who has less experience on this planet than most that they are somehow endowed with some special knowledge or powers to devine whether God exists or not. Jewish parallel the same path of Christianity for the most part, just with more history, and tradition. But, if you were to take the Bible to heart, it many times says that the jews are a 'traditional' people, and its these traditions that have gotten them into more trouble with thier own God many times in history.

That's your choices.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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