I think I can answer this... Once upon a time there were no Mahalo cents. Everything was either M$1 Mahalo dollar or nothing. It wasn't until a few months after launch that the .25c minimum was put on questions, that was when users first started seeing change to go with their dollars.
The tip box that you are referring to has probably, simply not been considered to adding cents too since the cents were added to the system. Considering this has been the first time it's ever been discussed, its probably never even been considered internally. flickr.com/photos/33749589@N07/3876444837/ So what it comes down to now letting the devs know.
I suggest adding it to the http://www.mahalo.com/answers/mahalo-answers-technical-issues/calling-all-aspiring-exterminators-september-is-mahalos-official-bug-month-post-your-favorite-aka-most-hated-mahalo-bug bug thread the devs have been reading every new answer and comment that is added.
In my views the minimum tip is $1.00 ,because if you want to get some you have to loss some! So ,if you want to get a very best answer you have to give a tip of $1.00! Else if you never give any tip you also get answers but no so many and so good!
That is a good question. I have wondered about that myself. How about sending an email to [email protected] and suggest this?
I agree, I have come across this very same issue. Unfortunately there isn't a mechanism in place (that I know of yet anyways) that allows users to send single cent amounts as tips to other members for answers and comments. I think this should be somewhere at the top of the ToDo list.
Kind Regards, XDS.
I completely agree with this suggestion and support it as well!
It's a good idea, but realistically think about it, and how little you're giving as a tip! They answered for M$1, so they are not going to be too happy about getting a tip that's very little. Do you want to get a 25 cent tip because you were a very close second best, or would you rather get M$1?
If someone gave you a very small tip, you might think it's not significant, and sometimes it might seem as insulting. Sometimes you don't have the best answer, but if it's good enough to tip, it should be worth a minimum of a M$1. If someone gets a very small tip, it really doesn't mean much to them, nor does it make them as satisfied with the tip.
You can suggest this to Mahalo by emailing contact@mahalo. Com but realize that you're giving a small tip, and people do not always feel good about a very small tip. It doesn't make them feel any better for answering your question, and may make them feel worse.
If I kept getting M25 cent tips, simply because I got second best, I wouldn't be too excited about it! If that were the case, I would mostly be answering the 25 cent questions, just to get the 25 cent tips. Not trying to sound greedy, but just trying to put it into perspective.
I totally agree with this suggestion. I had this problem as well with a previous question. mahalo.com/answers/music/what-song-is-th... There were two great answers and I wanted to tip both of them, unfortunately being somewhat new to Mahalo I just didn't have the capital to tip a whole $1 to second place.
I find this very frustrating and would love to see this fixed. I suppose I will go re-post this in the bug section. Thanks for bringing it up.
More than $30 a month in tips. Must make up the difference. Wage laws specific to tipped employees.
The greater benefits.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.