Will more Republicans support stricter gun laws now?

First of all...Guns do not kill people....guns are unable to kill people... In the entire recorded history of firearms no gun has ever gotten up and loaded itself, aimed itself and killed one single person.... Guns are inanimate objects with no will of their own and require a user in order to function. So the logic is completely sound that Guns Do Not Kill People, People USE guns to Kill People. There should be Background checks required for Private purchases/sales/transfers of firearms just like there are already background checks for purchases/sales/transfers of firearms from FFL dealers.

Background checks should apply equally across the board for everyone... I own numerous guns and have bought most from FFL dealers and several from private sales and I would have no problem with having a background check done in order to purchase or sell a firearm via private sale. What is the point of having a Law that requires FFL Dealers to preform background checks in order to keep those with a criminal record or mental restrictions from purchasing firearms in which they could commit horrible crimes with when these same individuals with criminal records and mental restrictions can just buy a firearm via an unregulated private sale with no background check and thus are fully able to commit horrible crimes..where is the logic and common sense in this? Currently in the majority of areas Criminals and people with mental restrictions don't even have to steal guns,or buy stolen guns they simply use a big loophole and buy one via an unregulated private purchase.

I have no problem supporting universal background checks or supporting registration of all firearms. Currently I have 6 firearms that are NFA Weapons which are registered with the BATF and requires a NFA Weapons Permit from my State and requires each NFA Weapon to have a Federal tax stamp. Since the weapons are kept at my residence I am also subject to random home inspections by the BATF.

I do have a problem with banning the so-called Scary looking Assault Weapons (semi-automatic rifles with high capacity magazines) they are no more dangerous than a semi-automatic high powered hunting rifle.. Whats the point in banning scary looking semi-automatice so-called Assault Weapons that can fire 60 rounds as fast as you can pull the trigger (1 pull=1 bullet) when I can legally own NFA weapons that are fully automatic and holding the trigger down can fire 600 rounds per minute thats 10 rounds per second far far more than any semi-automatic so-called assault rifle..

Gun laws are strict enough. I do not recognize any authority to dictate what I can or can't own. Guns don't kill people.

Ever wonder how every person going into a gun show walks out alive? Bad people do bad things and always will, with guns, knives, cars, keyboards, etc. Stop blaming objects for killing people. The people kill people, not guns.

I'm assuming you're not a gun owner, have never researched the process to buy a gun from a dealer, and likely have never shot a gun. Please come back with your question after you have some experience under your belt, young one.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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