The short answer is no, Travis Outlaw is never going to be anything more than the 11th or 12th man on an NBA basketball roster. While Outlaw put up some decent numbers in the 2007-08 and the 2008-09 seasons with the Portland Trailblazers, he has definitely regressed since those performances. In fact, in the last two years, Outlaw has only appeared in 34 games and while he hasn’t been all that bad in those 34 games, he certainly hasn’t looked like someone who is just waiting to suddenly explode into a superstar career.
It’s actually been a little said to see the former first round pick go from a player that could have really helped a team and in turn the team could have helped Outlaw’s career, to the point where he is now an afterthought for the team that he currently belongs to. According to most reports, Outlaw will be looking for another team to play for in the 2010-11 season, as the Clippers probably won’t bring him back.
Travis Outlaw may Portland Trail Blazers become a great player in the near future but will certainly find some difficulties in becoming a legitimate star. The NBA is already a haven for many superstars and will require a lot of factors to be on the same league where Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers and the likes stands. He averaged 9.9 points, 3.5 rebounds, 0.7 assist, 0.6 steal and 0.7 block per game in just 11 games for the Portland Trail Blazers in the 2009-2010 NBA regular season.
These numbers are not typical all star potential and at the same time his injury which he absorbed after playing his eleventh game with the Blazers might affect this 6-9 forward in the days ahead. He was out for the entire 2009-2010 season after he suffered a stress fracture on his left foot. With the odds against him Outlaw may have difficulty in achieving the superstar star status, but who knows.
Paul Pierce was hobbled by injuries in the past and now plays consistently well with the tough Boston Celtics.
Looking over his career statistics, it appears that unless Travis Outlaw becomes a starter and makes significant improvements over the next season or two that he'll never be more than a good role player in the National Basketball Association | NBA. He is 26 years old and his best season was in 2007-2008 with the Portland Trailblazers when he averaged 13 pints and 5 rebounds per game. None of his stats stand out.
S shooting percentages are average at 44% from the floor and 36% from three point range and just a 74% free throw shooter. At 6' 9", he has only averaged 3.4 rebounds per game in 21.6 minutes per game. That would translate to around 6 rebounds per game if he played the number of minutes as a starter.
Nothing about his game is great, nothing is bad. He's an average NBA player who I think will have a long career filling a role off the bench or spot starter but will never become a star player in the league.
Nope! Nope and Nope! And Emphatically Nope!
Travis Outlaw will stay in the NBA | National Basketball Association as a backup or maybe even as a spot starter and complimentary player, but never make it as a star. S biggest problem is that he is an average at best player in all facets of the game and really shows no signs of improving. When I compare him to a similar player, Amir Johnson of the Toronto Raptors I do not see the aggressiveness or hustle in him that Johnson exhibits.
Whereas Amir averaged 20 and 10 as a replacement for an injured Chris Bosh at the end of the season; I have never noticed Outlaw grabbing his chance and running with it. Another thing that bothers me that Outlaw should be playing as a big man, which meant to me means near a 50% or better field goal percentage. This past season was his worst when he average only 39%.
Add to that his lifetime stats of 9 points and 3 rebounds per game and there is just no way in the world at 26 years of age he will be turning that around.
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