Will verizon charge for data plan if I buy phone on ebay? don't want to use data-just texting?

Don't want to use data-just texting. Asked by Brendale 23 days ago Similar questions: verizon charge data plan buy phone ebay don't data just texting Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Similar questions: verizon charge data plan buy phone ebay don't data just texting.

Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

" "We bought a smart phone from ebay, now att says charge us for the data pkg, they said the sim card signalled them. " "Do cell phones with GPS navigation software require the internet or the use of the data network to use the GPS?" "Can I get a smart phone from verizon without a data plan? " "if a buy a palm treo from ebay, activate it with verzion how much would it cost?

And should I get the data plan?" "Will I still be charged by using a given data phone with my sim card from another phone that didn't have a data plan? " "how to jail break my palm centero phone so I don't have to buy att&t data plain" "Can I jailbreak or unlock my phone somehow so that I'm not forced to buy AT&T's worthless data plan? " "If I buy a smartphone but I don't have a data plan will my carrier charge me for data or wifi?" "ISO non-smart phone for AT&T in USA (no data plan).

"GSM Unlocked" ones from Hong Kong on eBay - would they work? Thx!

We bought a smart phone from ebay, now att says charge us for the data pkg, they said the sim card signalled them.

How to jail break my palm centero phone so I don't have to buy att&t data plain.

ISO non-smart phone for AT&T in USA (no data plan). "GSM Unlocked" ones from Hong Kong on eBay - would they work? Thx!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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