I do think competitions between the players would make the Farmville game worth playing, especially to other farmers. Since many farmers want some sort of competition between each other. At this point, I play with my friends and my family.
We are competing to see who can level up first. I am at level 38 and would welcome a more interactive game, since the game has become boring to me lately. I am sure that leveling up may give me other rewards, but there is no level of competitiveness that I enjoy.
Also, I think many players would stay if they had a little more competition, because you can only collect so many items and decorate so much before boredom sets in. But if they could compete for a t-shirt or FV cash, maybe more players would stay and try to reach the determined goal. However, I know many farmers, who make up their own competitions like I do, in order to add a little excitement to the game.
Furthermore, I think that having competitions would help the game become more popular with new users as well as the seasoned users like me.
I really like this idea, but I can also see some of the drawbacks. One of the reasons I gave up on FarmVille so quickly was because of the lack of competition. Having a loser is very important, but on FarmVille everybody wins.
This really killed it for me. I understand that having someone lose could be taken as a reason for them to quit, so it makes sense for Zynga to want to try and make everyone feel good. At the same time, there are losers in Poker and chess and those games definitely aren't going away.
Competition between players would definitely make the game more interesting. If it was in a mini-game format, the regular farming portion of the game wouldn't even have to be affected too much. More competition is definitely needed.
I am a pretty competitive person when it comes to games. However, I think that one of the benefits of this game is that you can play along with your friends and it promotes not being so competitive. I think if it was more of a competition that people would end up at each others throats.It is a social networking site, not a game site... even though it seems more like a game site.
My friends and neighbors on FarmVille don't realize it, but I make my own personal competitions. I'll take a week and make it a point to level up more times during a week than they do, or get more animals. I have to do this.
If I didn't, I'd be so bore I could never play the game again. I think it is a bit competitive on that part, there just isn't really a loser. Of course, there isn't really a winner either.
It's just on going like a little virtual life. It reminds me of The Sims, the first one. After so long, I'd get so bored with my people.
At least in the newer ones, you age and die.
I’d agree that competitions in Farmville would make more people play and stay in Farmville rather than just playing just to achieve higher levels. Well, there is already a competition on leveling up esp. Among friends but it’s still different if there should be a competition or tournament that there would be declared winners and losers.
Winners should receive prizes like FV cash, coins and XP’s. That way, people would keep on playing Farmville because it would be more challenging then. And since Facebook is earning millions of revenues, I think it’s time that they’d make people happier by giving away prizes like gift cards that can be used to purchase real items or they’d reward winners Farmville stuffs.
It’d be their best way of thanking the people for helping them earn millions of dollars.
I agree with what others said, I think Farmville would be more fun if the players could compete. The only competition I see is when I try to compete with my friends on who levels up first. I would love to be able to rub shoulders with my sister, but since she is on a level ten times higher than where I am, having a ‘’leveling up’’ competition with her is out of it.It would be really much more fun if two neighbors could compete and when one wins he is given an option to select a crop or tree from the loser’s farm or the loser can work on his farm for free.
I can imagine my sister working on my farm for free (lol... she hates doing anything for free).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.