Would you, could you - at the fair? It's state fair time again, and that means.....FAIR FOOD?

It's state fair time again, and that means.....FAIR FOOD! Last year, the new thing was chocolate covered bacon, and deep fried pb & j sandwiches. This year, it is a burger, using two glazed Krispy Kreme doughtnuts as the bun.

Would you try it? I'm gonna pass, I think.... Asked by TurboB 4 months ago Similar questions: fair state time means FAIR FOOD Food & Drink > Food.

Similar questions: fair state time means FAIR FOOD.

Don't forget the deep friend oreos and twinkies, YUCK! .

Ugh. I'm waiting to hear from the Texas people. I hear their state fair is the "deep fried" mecca. Last year, in Texas, some guy was selling deep fried butter.

That's it. A glob of butter, breaded and deep fried. TurboB 4 months ago .

I love Fair food, I would try the deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich that just sounds WAY to good. And as much as I LOVE burgers I'll pass on the crispy creme burger that sound grosser than gross I absolutely LOVE that popcorn that comes in those pink blocks! Can't find them anywhere accept at fairs, back in 2002, I went to our local county fair and when we were leaving I bought 40 of them LMAO!

Had to steal a garbage bag to carry them, but I got my pink popcorn ;-) .

I hav enever seen pink popcorn in blocks. Never! TurboB 4 months ago .

I've never been to a fair that didn't have it. Jpg.

Seriously - I have never seen this. Anywhere. TurboB 4 months ago .

Maybe its just a West Coast or California thing, the company is based in San Fran area .

I'm going to SF in September - I will look for it! TurboB 4 months ago .

I'll pass thanks,and for the most part like fair food, but that just sounds gross.

We've a month yet before what my older brother always called "the unfair fair affair. " Stay away from those skill game booths! Of course, my problem is the prodigious walking around involved in any County Fair: I used to enjoy that part.

Oh! The thought of fried butter makes me feel sick to my stomach! But I think the fair will be lots of fun.

:) .

Good grief! Chocolate covered bacon,That's heart attack just waiting to happen! .

Turbo, We even have fried Ice Cream... however you need to be quick! .

Really quick, I would think! TurboB 4 months ago .

I don't think I would try it, doughnuts and burger doesn't seem like a good combo! .

I'm going to pass. I love their doughnuts - seems a shame to ruin them with burger grease! TurboB 4 months ago .

Funnel cake,,,OMG I crave it all the time. The worst part is that there is a board walk 10 min. From me that stays open til October!Jpg.

If so, tell me about it. Do you go every year or was it your first?" "Genetic modification of food should be 'embraced by farmers. ' Fair enough?

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If so, tell me about it. Do you go every year or was it your first?

Genetic modification of food should be 'embraced by farmers. ' Fair enough?

How much time I should wait after haveing food to have it again.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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