Would you like to have the ability to block certain users from answering your questions?

I could think of a few I'd block, given the opportunity. Asked by Rickisgirl 55 months ago Similar questions: ability block users answering questions Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: ability block users answering questions.

Nope It would potentially be a disservice to anyone who is searching for answers on a topic. The person you don't like might have the best answer that no one else was able to come up with, match, or may provide a response that's a different perspective on the question. If you think someone is harassing, etc...just report as abuse...we know Joe can attest that they do read those reports 67alecto's Recommendations Plays Well with Others Amazon List Price: $14.95 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 38 reviews) .

Yep! I can name 3 right now, but I won’t. Generally, these are people who suck the fun out of Askville.

One in particular tends to answer then criticize everyone else's answer. He does it in a way that seems like he's criticizing their character. It makes me gnash my teeth.

I have gotten into it once with him, but it didn't solve anything, so I just avoid and ignore now. There are actually a few more that would be questionable. These are people who consistently answer without really bothering to answer.

Sometimes it’s just a flippant response, sometimes a one liner, and sometimes certain people just bug me. : ) I sometimes think these people answer just to get their name out there, not to think about something or try to share knowledge. I imagine they are like the guy who shows up at functions and talks incessantly just to hear his own voice - figuratively speaking..

I can too I think that would be a wonderful refinement here and I would back that idea to the hilt. I don't think it will happen, though. Those who repeatedly talk down to others here who do not share their every opinion or belief get pretty tiresome at times.

Edfoug's Recommendations Get Out of My Face Amazon List Price: $13.95 Used from: $0.24 .

YES! And I want to see this crazy faves thing modified. I haven't given these people permission to track all of my activity,like what I post in discussions etc.I've been asking Askville forever for a way to undo the block on a specific user,I got an e mail reply on Feb 17 2006 that said they were working on it,so I believe if you could block someone from answering,you should be able to undo it.

I'd actually like to be able to block people from my discussions,because at least one askviller as of late,just comes in and created a problem,ewhere previously there was none. I'm sick and tired of people telling me what I can post ansd how I should have posted it. That's Asdkville's job,just like addressing the abuse that I've been reporting.

They have no problem penalizing me for telling someone that they posted illegal content and topicked their question wrong,but none of my reports are ever addressed. I elive a block could be a good thing,but it could be abused and I'm seeing a huge influx of trolls and stalkers as of late,because Y! A closed their points crap Provided it can be undone or appealled,I love this idea!

Sources: My Epinion .

Agree I agree for the simple reason that some users try to be more slick then the others. In other words, some don't even think about the question or try to interpret it in their heads. The just read it very quick, copy, and paste it.

And whatever answer they found, they paste back here... It is ok to do that, but not every single answer in my opinion. Sources: Personal Knowledge .

Pls answer if you know the answer! " "What did you not know you were an expert in until you started answering questions on Askville?" "What's the motivation for answering questions in askville?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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