Would you like to hear more "good news" from Iraq/ Afghanistan?

Similar questions: hear news Iraq Afghanistan.

Definitely yes! I have heard from soldiers coming back how much progress has been made that is never reported by the liberal media. We have been doing an incredible job in Iraq, but I don't know about Afghanistan.

I don't know anyone who has come back from there, and it is the eyewitness stories I am most interested in. I spoke to a young man over the weekend, however, who witnessed one faction 'over there' drive up to his post and hack apart screaming women and children and he was powerless to stop it. Orders not to interfere.... he still has screaming nightmares about it.

The corpses of the babies were thrown at the Americans on sentry duty when it was over. This young man broke down into sobs as he told us about it. We are sending young men and women over there to different places to do impossible jobs and they are doing them!

The world may never be 'safe for democracy,' but we are doing our best to stop the slaughter some other cultures seem so willing to bestow on one another. God bless our men and women and yes, I totally, definitely think the public should know about the incredible job they are doing and the strides that are being made in Iraq in particular to give the people not just some things back, but things they have never had before, as well, including expanded education and health care. Thank you for this question..

1 No, I'd like there to *be* less bad news from Iraq/Afghanistan. I don't want reporters to report the good along with the bad so we get a more balanced view - I want them to report the good because there IS NO bad left to report.

No, I'd like there to *be* less bad news from Iraq/Afghanistan. I don't want reporters to report the good along with the bad so we get a more balanced view - I want them to report the good because there IS NO bad left to report.

2 I'd be happy to hear good news but it would have to be from a credible source, which lets out the Bushies and their tame propaganda shops like Fox "News". Any "good news" from them is presumptively political hype to justify the oil wars.

I'd be happy to hear good news but it would have to be from a credible source, which lets out the Bushies and their tame propaganda shops like Fox "News". Any "good news" from them is presumptively political hype to justify the oil wars.

3 By the way, it takes a truly delusional mind to consider "casualties down 80%" to be *good* news. That's not good news. That's simply less-bad news.

People are DYING. Just because there's less dying than there was before, does not make it "good".

By the way, it takes a truly delusional mind to consider "casualties down 80%" to be *good* news. That's not good news. That's simply less-bad news.

People are DYING. Just because there's less dying than there was before, does not make it "good".

4 I'd like to hear the truth--good or bad. BYE! .

I'd like to hear the truth--good or bad. BYE!

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Do you feel that America needs the Iraq war.

How many female soldiers have died in the afghanistan war.

One news channel is not reporting on the end of the Iraq war (troops home for the holidays! ). Can you guess which one?

Military disaster in Afghanistan. Terrible news and war crimes?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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