Would you rather be able to give advice to a past you, OR accept advice from the future you?

Hmm. Wow this does make one think. There's only so much I can tell a past me.

And it's a lot. Enough to change my entire life. But who knows what a future me would know, how much they could also change my life I have to go with future me.

I think their words would hold a bit more weight since I'm only 18 I mean, my advice wouldn't be nearly as helpful as if, say, a 30 year old me gave me advice or a 50 year old me.

This is an interesting question. If I were able to give advice to the past me, then I would most likely feel confident in the advice I give due to the fact that I've gained more knowledge and wisdom than I had in my past, but If I were in my past mindset and I was accepting advice from my future self, then I probably wouldn't listen because I was stubborn in my past. The past me would want to act rebelliously toward the future me.So for the sake of the better feeling, I'd rather give advice to the past me.

They are one and the same thing! If I were in the past giving me advice, I would be accepting (or rejecting) that advice. Knowing myself as I do, I would not accept most advice because I would consider it interfering with my ability to make a decision on my own.

I would take advice from a future me. Because I am sure that I turned out okay up to this point, whether i've made mistakes or not, but I can't be sure about the future. What if I end up doing something monumentally stupid?

I would like to go back and tell the young me who was going through a world of er stuff that it was all going to be okay. It was going to work out just fine As to the future, I already have my evidence and surety....its called Faith.

Past me because future me is probably going to be like "TOASTERS! BYE :D.

I would go back into time and tell my past self advice. I'm not worried about the future for I trust God to guide me. Very interesting question...

There was a movie about this you plagiarizer.

The Past to prevent some bad choices I've made as we all have.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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