15 years old and thinking about commiting suicide...?

First, find an advocate. Do you have anybody that will listen to you? Any teachers at all that will listen?

You said your family is good, so maybe they will hear you out if you explain this to them. Maybe they don't know the extent of the bullying that Mason and other people are putting you through. I would advise against overdosing on paracetamols.

Your death would be through liver failure, and it will not be quick. Paracetamols can take up to 3 days to kill you. First, you will feel very nauseous, have abdominal pain, and start to sweat heavily.

Then, your organs will begin to shut down and you will experience a lot of internal pain as this happens. Finally, you can suffer things like sepsis, fluid buildup in the brain, slip into a coma and die. If you don't succeed in overdosing, you will be in much more pain than you were before when you wake up, and you will have seriously damaged your body.

By taking them when you don't need them, you are setting yourself up for a lot of internal problems. I'm not trying to scare you out of it. I have tried to kill myself before on multiple occasions.

You need to be fully aware of what will happen to you, even if you don't die. I'm not one of those people who will squawk on about how suicide is wrong and you have so much to live for etc. But maybe if you connected with one of your friends from another school, like through e-mail or texting them, they might be able to help. Sometimes all you need is a friend to talk to.

And put it this way: even if people "get it" when you kill yourself, it doesn't help anybody. They won't really understand when you're gone, and you won't be around to see if they do understand. I'm about to graduate from university (I'm 22) and have been suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts from the age of 11.

It might sound hard to believe, but I've been in your shoes before, for different reasons. The hardest thing to deal with is feeling like you're completely alone. Do you have any hobbies or other interests that you can enjoy by yourself?

When I have really down times, I write in a journal or paint or read. Or cook. Something that just gets my mind off of things for a while.

I didn't get rid of my depression, I just learned how to handle it better and turn it into something productive. For all the down times I have, I enjoy my life, so I know that even when I feel like there's no tomorrow, I can still face it, y'know? And no, it's not easy.

It's lonely. And it hurts. But humans are made of tougher stuff.

I won't tell you you're stupid or too young to feel this way. But I don't think that overdosing will solve anything for you. Remember that the problem lies with your bullies, not with you.

Use your voice to reach out as much as you can, because you might help someone else by doing so, even if you don't realize it. The worst is when people suffer in silence. And you're NOT alone.

Hang in there.

I'll start with saying it will get better. Show you don't care about what they say and they should just leave you alone. 2 your mum would understand if you are open and honest with her about it.

Tell her was is going on and let her see how you truly feel. 3 if they are real friends, they won't abandon you. However, it won't be the end of the world, college is the best years for me so far.

I've made loads of friends now I'm at college because no one CARES what you look like and how you act. 4, you're THIRTEEN! There's no need to be ashamed at not having done anything with a guy.

I didn't kiss a guy until I was 16 (I'm nearly 19 btw) and I'm still with the same guy that I first kissed (nearly 3 years later!) so really that's not a problem. Oh, and it doesn't matter if you haven't slept with a guy, mainly because the legal age is 16 and not everyone does stuff with a guy....don't give into peer pressure. 5 (sorry ranting now :P) Mason is a complete Jerk, I have no idea why you are bothering to like him if that is the way he treats you.

Why waste your time trying to get him to like you? He really isn't worth it! 6.

People who spread rumours about people obviously don't have enough of a life of their own, so they have to be pathetic and try to ruin other people's lives. 7. I really doubt that your teachers hate you.

How hard do you try? I'm guessing that with everything else in your life means you aren't concentrating properly in classes, so maybe try to separate your time. School time is where you really try hard to focus on lessons and NOT on your social life, and focus on your social life when you aren't meant to be focusing on school work.

Why don't you try to arrange days out or something with the friends you have, and show them that you are fun. This will encourage them to hang around and not go and hang out with the girl spreading rumours. Sorry that its a rant.

But you are in your teenage years and need to be enjoying yourself, not thinking about suicide. So, in short, speak to a staff member at school in an interview with your mum, so you don't have to repeat yourself. ACT like it doesn't bother you, but record when everything happens as evidence against them, meaning that when you speak to your teacher and mum, you will have written evidence (adding in the dates and rough timings.

And lastly, remember that other people only try to ruin other people's lives because they want others to feel crap about their lives as well. Hope this helps. Good Luck =).

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