97% of active climatologists agree that global warming is, at least in part, caused by humans?

It's kind of strange that just a few years ago scientists were warning us of a new ice age and now scientists are warning us of global warming. It might be interesting to see who pays for all this "climate research". Usually "studies" show the results whoever sponsored them want the "studies" to show.

Just to throw it out there, how profitable would it be if the price of energy and associated taxes rose significantly and then we entered an ice age and people had to use more energy than they do now to stay warm? Why is the "solution" to global warming a giant transfer of wealth to governments and the upper classes through "cap and trade" and the "carbon futures market"? It kind of puts a dent in the credibility of the world's climatologists.

That's just Science, science is a tool of the devil to attempt to fool the faithful! Yes they really are that ignorant by the way. Clearly.

They actually think man made global warming is a conspiracy by the government to control what they do, when in reality the thought that man made global warming is a conspiracy is the result of group think. Their fervent belief that it is a conspiracy benefits the large corporations who want to continue to pollute unchecked. Edit: I mean look at their answers, do you see?

It's disturbing how ignorant people are about this. It's really very simple, man is causing global warming because with the advent of the Industrial Revolution we have been spewing more toxins into the air then at any point in our Earths history. So I don't care that you say the Earth has been here a million years, I say no freaking kidding, but it hasn't been here a million years with toxins pouring into the air that whole time.

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