According to this support KB only the objects and counters have friendly names: However, instances do not have a user friendly name in each language So this leads me to believe that instance names for a given counter are obtained either dynamically (e.g. ProcessId for a process) or statically (e.g. Hard-coded). Of course there is nothing stopping somebody from hard-coding "_Total" in an English build and something else in a German build, though it seems the common practice is to keep the language stuff confined to the registry and deal with the objects and counters by index and the instances by dynamic or static names. I think Microsoft consistently uses "_Total" as I've seen it on a few foreign language installs.
According to this support KB, only the objects and counters have friendly names: However, instances do not have a user friendly name in each language. So this leads me to believe that instance names for a given counter are obtained either dynamically (e.g. ProcessId for a process) or statically (e.g. Hard-coded). Of course there is nothing stopping somebody from hard-coding "_Total" in an English build and something else in a German build, though it seems the common practice is to keep the language stuff confined to the registry and deal with the objects and counters by index and the instances by dynamic or static names.
I think Microsoft consistently uses "_Total" as I've seen it on a few foreign language installs.
I understand there is no hard limit on the number of counters or the number of instances, but rather there is a memory limit for the entire category. What is that limit? Is there a limit on the total number or size of all performance counter categories?
What else should be taken into account when dealing with a relatively large amount of data that needs to be published? To put this into perspective, I need to publish around 50,000 32bit counter-instance-values. I could split these up into categories in various ways, depending on what limits exist.
I appreciate that performance counters may not be the best solution, but there are reasons for this madness.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.