Its because the business will earn more money by employing immigrants. I want to get into politics and change the whole thing. Its unfair how immigrants can come to this country and take our English peoples jobs and even worst can live of benefits which the Arabic's tend to do with there 10 children who will then have British passports so the kids cannot be removed from the country that's why the foot needs putting down now bnp may come across as the so called Nazi party but it has a good points.
When labour is in power they will put there foot down I think but won't introduce it at the next election due to it decreasing there chances of going into power as the media will manipulate the minds of the British. Im not racist but I think the Arabic protesters should be made an example of, not just have a slap on the wrist,burning the poppy they should be shot its a disgrace. What are our troops fighting for?
To win come home and be booed have bricks thrown at them and they have to stand there and take it. ITS OUR COUNTRY! If you want a mosque go home!
You want to be able to cover your face in public go home! If they loved there religion so much the would preach it on there own land not Christian/Catholic land. They get there own way non stop and who's tax's have to pay for it?
OURS! Ziggy, the governments job is to make life better for its people. So they re tar roads, build more modern lamp posts, build better council estate's and give us things like benefits.
So all together increase our standards of living. So by giving him a job would make him have an income which would increase his standards of living so technically it is there job to give him a job to prove this they build job centre's to help employment just bit pointless when there are no jobs because they have been taken by immigrants and that's why he has posted this question.
English is not a nationality. I'm not even sure it's a race either. More a bunch of disparate tribes who cannot agree on anything.
The can issue any statement it likes, esp. The kind which calms things down for a while. However, the reality is that the can do nothing to stop workers from the EU arriving here and taking up jobs.
I work as a part time cleaner here in London and have to tell you that the majority of the people with whom I work are deffo not 'English' - some are from far away Africa (British Africa that is), some are from the EU - one a girl a Citizen of France from Paris, others from as far away as Brasil (Brazil) and elsewhere. None of the people is qualified to be a cleaner - most have university educations, which I do not have. I'm the only one who can qualify to be a true member of the Working Class.
But we all get along like the usual house on fire. There is no job shortage here in London, at least, not in the lower paid sector. I don't blame employers taking on workers from outside the UK.
We've got a couple of guys working with us from Poland, they do not understand the meaning of the words, "Tea" and "Break", especially when joined together as in "Tea Break" which we are entitled to after six hours of work. You have to prize them away from what they're doing with iron crowbars, sometimes. Anyway, it's too late, there are an estimated 600,000 Polish workers here in UK already.
Etc. A member of the British Working Class since 1941 Mother a former House Maid (RIP) Father a former Lorry Driver (RIP) Never been unemployed in my entire life. Grab a broom and start sweeping.
Do it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.