A good way to save money is to use coupons on items you need for the New Years Eve party. You can also purchase in bulk if you belong to Sam's Club or any similar type of club. For decorations you can get cheap ones at a Dollar Store or look for coupons for supplies at a local party retailer in your area.
You can also save by asking each guest to bring an item. That is common practice for outdoor cookouts and barbecues on Independence Day celebrations and other summer events, so why not for a New Years Eve party? That would make things a bit easier and less expensive on you as the host and keep the costs minimal for each guest.
Instead of purchasing prepared dips, you can buy the ingredients separately and make your own. In the long run it will be cheaper. If you have the time, the same thing goes for cookies and other snacks.
Good luck!
Definitely check out the sales and buy way ahead of time for stuff that isn't perishable, like decorations. A lot of Christmas decorations like snowflakes, lights, wreaths and tinsel etc. Can pass for general winter decorations that can be used at New Year's parties, so look out for deals on those. I'd look out for coupon codes and discounts, and with the Internet these days it's easy to compare prices and shop online.
Cash back reward programs are good too. Here's another idea to help you personally save (as in not spend a ton): Preload a gift card for a store you like that sells nice holiday decorations (I like JCPenney and The Home Depot) with the amount you can commit to spending, and then stop when you use up your balance.It's just like the tried-and-true "envelope budgeting" method, except with gift cards. Which is nice because there are some really great gift card deals out there for the holidays, like at eBillme.com - you can get a $100 JCPenney e-Gift Card for $90 and there are some other offers there, so it's like getting free money!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.