In 1854, the Republican Party was a progressive (liberal) party formed on the basis of ending slavery eventually. The only reason the Republican party survived was because of the destruction of the Whig Party. By the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the Republican Party was a major party and began to branch policy out away from slavery.
Republicans in the Reconstruction period backed civil rights. They backed the Homestead Act during the Civil War. The Republican Party of today is vastly different.
As a whole, the Republican Party is a Center Right Party that is conservative. However, since the rise of Barry Goldwater and and then with the Presidency of Ronald Reagan, the Republican party gained a large ultra conservative wing that has moved farther to right, and has now come under the leadership of the Tea Party, which is a borderline Fascist Party in its ideology in claiming that all Democrats are "unAmerican" (newly elected Minnesota Congress Person Buchanan), encourages the physical brutality against political opponents (Kentucky Rand Paul supporters stepping on a protester's head, and it is the protester that faces legal trouble, not the Rand Paul supporter to my knowledge), is racist (Tea Party supporters shouting racial epithets at Black members of Congress. Engel's campaign in Nevada, in which she told a large number of Hispanic children that they looked "Asian" to her), and disagrees with the concept of majority rule when it isn't in their favor (Texas's governor threatening secession when Obama was elected, and a Republican Tea Party supporter urging the private citizens to shoot representatives of the Federal government if her candidate lost the election... the man ironically won the election, but that's beside the point).
If this current trend continues the Republican party will be destroyed. If the Tea Party continues to take leadership roles in the GOP, there will be a formal split in the Party. The extreme right will support the Tea Party and the Center Right party members will be left in the cold to exist as a 3rd Party again, or will end up moving into the Democratic Party and will attempt to move the Democratic Party from Center Left to Center Right.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.