Do you think certin breeds of dogs are 'born' more calm and passive / submissive than others or is it all training?

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I sure do Being the human owned by a 95 pound male Dalmatian...I can attest to the stubborn and hyper nature of the breed. Although Spike is well trained and knows how to behave, he is what he is. Can you stop a nervous, nippy little dog from shivvering?

No, it's his nature. That's why it's so important to study different breeds of dogs before committing to one. Some dogs are calm and forgiving, and are fantastic with children.

Other breeds are peaceful and quiet...working well with the elderly. Training your dogs can bring out the best in him...but his basic nature and genetics will still influence his overall behavior. Sources: My thoughts HELENofTROY's Recommendations Cesar's Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding and Correcting Common Dog Problems Amazon List Price: $24.95 Used from: $10.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 525 reviews) How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners (Revised & Updated Edition) Amazon List Price: $25.99 Used from: $13.75 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 138 reviews) How to be the Leader of the Pack...And have Your Dog Love You For It.("How to" booklets from Dog's Best Friend) Amazon List Price: $3.95 Used from: $2.38 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 50 reviews) .

Yes and No Temperament is most certainly based in genetics, but the owner and breeder influence temperament characteristics significantly. Experienced breeders estimate that 50% of what a dog is or isn’t is based in heritable temperament characteristics. The other 50% is environmental, and is dependent on the dog’s life experiences.

How much a dog has been socialized, how it has been treated, the amount of human contact it has been exposed to, pack dynamics, etc. Breeders can set specific traits in temperament, based on the dogs they use in their breedings. Reputable breeders plan pairings carefully, and research breed lines to set specific desirable traits. Irresponsible breeders pair dogs together based on two dogs ability to reproduce.

Also, within a litter, there will be dogs that are more submissive, and dogs that are more assertive, that is pack dynamics, and occurs within ALL breeds of dogs. Purebred dogs have a specific set of traits that are characteristic to the breed. That is part of what gives a breed its purpose to mankind across the ages.

In a purebred dog, while there are always exceptions, the majority of dogs of that breed share a certain set of characteristics that make that breed unique, and temperament is one of those characteristics. That is the beauty of a purebred dog. If you do your research, you pretty much know what you are going to get.

Of course some breeds are exploited by their owners. Bully breeds, rottweilers, german shepherds, etc., are an example of this. In the hands of an irresponsible owner, any breed of dog can be made to be aggressive.

In most cases, these kinds of dogs are poorly bred, poorly socialized, and poorly cared for.It doesn’t make them bad dogs, they have just been cursed with bad owners. They may have spent their entire life chained up and neglected in the backyard. They may have been removed from their littermates at too young of an age, which happens when the "backyard breeder" gets tired of all the extra work and expense that a litter of puppies brings, thus the puppies miss out on the critical canine socialization stage that occurs between week 6 and 8.It’s an important time to be with their littermates, and missing this stage of social skills can make a dog aggressive to other dogs.

A dog that goes bad may have been beaten and abused, making it fearful of humans. It may have been starved, fed and watered only when convenient, or deprived of necessary medical care, turning a domestic animal feral, and revert to its animal instincts for survival. The dog may not have been properly socialized, both as a puppy and a growing dog, thus making an adult dog that is highly territorial and lacking the skills to get along with unknown humans or animals.

The dog may have owners that do not understand basic canine behavior, and put their dog into situations that it is not equipped to handle. There are also owners that intentionally make a dog mean and aggressive, either to fight the dog, or because it makes them feel more masculine to have a tough dog.In all of these examples, these are PROBLEMS CAUSED BY HUMANS. It is the dogs that pay the price for the acts of irresponsible humans, and in many cases, an entire breed suffers a bad rap for the actions of a few, even when no aggressive act or crime has been committed.

Owning one of those breeds for the last 15 years, I am always aware of the negative public perception of my breed of choice. That is one of the reasons we work extra hard to train, socialize, and expose our well trained and well behaved dogs to the public at every opportunity we get.

I think differen't breeds are basically high-strung. Terriers are notably highstrung. Of course training helps all dogs I found this to be very interesting.It gives personality traits of all breeds!

Quick Reference A dog should never be adopted solely because it is cute. There are many different breeds with a wide variety of personalities and needs. Before you choose your pet, research it and find one that fits your lifestyle.

All breeds have their good and bad qualities. Don’t let it be a surprise to you that Fido likes to bark or is dog-aggressive. Find out before you bring home the cute little puppy.

A pet should be for life, so choose wisely. This is a quick reference page listing some of the more common breeds. This page points out some of the important characteristics that one should be aware of before the dog is purchased.

Click the breed name for photos and to read more about the breed. Search Categories A |B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P-Q|R|S|T|V|W|X-Y Affenpinscher Size: Small Terrier-like personality; demands attention. Affectionate, amusing and can be difficult to house break.

Yappy, high strung, some may guard objects and challenge people it sees as submissive. Can be trained to perform tricks. Needs consistent firm training.

Afghan Hound Size: Large Sweet, dignified, somewhat aloof, sensitive, loyal and affectionate. If under socialized, pampered and over protected, they can be nervous and timid. Suspicious of, but not hostile to strangers.

Should have safe fenced in area to run. Can be hard to housebreak; may snap if frightened or startled. Airedale Terrier Size: Medium Playful and rowdy as a puppy.

Dignified and courageous as an adult. Protective with a strong desire to please. Sensitive and responsive.

Can be scrappy with other animals. Bold and stubborn. May try to be dominate over submissive family members.

Needs firm consistent, but fair obedience training. Akita Inu Size: Large Dignified, good-natured, alert, bold, courageous and loyal. Docile, but sometimes spontaneous.

Intelligent, fearless and very willful. Needs firm training as a puppy. Can be very aggressive with other dogs.

Good with children in the family, but may not accept other children. May be food-possessive. Alaskan Malamute Size: Large Very friendly, not a guard dog.

Good with kids. Without attention they can become destructive nuisances. Likes to roam and has a strong pray instinct.

Can be dog aggressive. Can be a digger. Seasonal heavy shedder; does not bark a lot but it does howl.

This breed can be difficult to housebreak because of its dominance. American Bulldog Size: Large Brave and determined, but not hostile. Alert, self-confident.

Loves children. Strong protective instincts; should be well-socialized and obedience trained at an early age. May be dog aggressive and reserved with strangers.

Needs to be around people to be truly happy. Tends to drool and slobber. Should have a dominant owner.

American Cocker Spaniel Size: Small Merry, charming; a happy tail-wagger. Good friend to children. Loves to play.

Some bark a lot; can be difficult to housebreak. Very popular breed; beware of poorly bred dogs as they can have many temperament problems. American Eskimo Dog Size: Medium Charming, affectionate and loving.

Hardy and playful. Ghly intelligent and willing to please. Needs attention, something to do and to be part of the family or it may engage in nuisance activities.

Loves to bark. Some can be timid. Naturally wary of strangers.

American Foxhound Size: Large Very vigorous but submissive dog. Needs a great deal of exercise or it may become destructive and restless. Sweet, gentle, brave and intense in the field.

Can be difficult to housebreak. Will take off after in interesting scent. May howl when it hears other dogs barking.

American Hairless Terrier Size: Small Intelligent, alert, loving, very inquisitive and lively. Quick and very playful. Fairly territorial and stubborn.

Some are friendly with strangers, some are reserved. Not good swimmers. Skin vulnerability brought on by the lack of a protective coat.

This breed may be slightly difficult to train. American Pit Bull Terrier Size: Large Obedient; strong desire to please. Good-natured, extremely courageous and loyal.

Affectionate, good with children and adults. Do not trust with other pets; tends to be dog aggressive. Socialize when young.

Ghly protective of its owners, needs firm hand and a dominant owner. Excellent dog with the right owner, but not recommended for most people. American Staffordshire Terrier Size: Medium Very loyal and devoted.

Ghly protective of his owners and their property. Courageous, persistent and can be willful. Needs a firm hand, proper training and a dominant owner.

Can be dog aggressive. Excellent dog when raised and handled properly, but not recommended for most people. American Water Spaniel Size: Medium Friendly intelligent, very trainable, enjoys working.

Eagar to learn. Un-socialized dogs can be timid and dog aggressive. Training should be calm, quiet and persuasive not demanding or sharp.

Some drool, some bark or whine a lot. May snap defensively if startled or harshly disciplined. American White Shepherd Size: Large Intelligent, loyal, fearless, alert, bold, cheerful and obedient.

Can be trained for many different tasks. Strong protecting instincts; needs an owner who can show leadership. Can be reserved with strangers.

Needs to be with his people. Beware of over breeding producing inferior dogs. Socialize well while young.

Sheds constantly; seasonally heavy. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Size: Very Large Very loyal, alert, proud, self assured and possessive. Independent flock guardian; needs dominant leadership and an owner who understands its nature.

Very protective of its family and property. Suspicious of strangers. Needs extensive early socialization.

Appenzell Mountain Dog Size: Large Tough, sober, brave, intelligent, and lively. Unsure of strangers, but greet family and friends effusively. Loyal to whole family, tends to bond with one person.

Likes to be outdoors, but only when it is with its handler. Noisy, extroverted; makes a great watch dog. Not a dog for kennel life.

Socialize well. Australian Cattle Dog Size: Medium Working, herding breed. Extremely intelligent.

Not suited to life alone in the back yard. Becomes easily bored and needs a job to do or it could lead to serious behavior problems. Excellent guard dog, brave and trustworthy.

May nip at peoples heels in an attempt to herd them. Needs a lot of attention and exercise. Australian Kelpie Size: Medium Intelligent, enthusiastic, and tireless working dog.

Will work until he drops. Excellent herder; devoted one-man dog; far too work-oriented and energetic for a house or apartment existence. Needs job to do and a lot of space and exercise.

Tries to herd other dogs, pets and animals whether they want to be herded or not. Boredom is the dogs doom. Australian Shepherd Size: Medium Easy going, loves to play with active children.

Naturally protective, courageous, loyal and affectionate. Very active; needs a job to do and a lot of space and exercise. Gets bored easily and can be come destructive and nervous if left alone too much without exercise and attention.

Australian Terrier Size: Small Excellent watchdog. Loves to please, spirited, self-assured and curious. Will chase rodents and other small animals.

Bred to work; always on the move. Friendly companion, reserved with strangers. A |B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P-Q|R|S|T|V|W|X-Y Basenji Size: Small Cat like, very alert, active, trainable and playful.

Does not bark; has other unusually vocalizations. Demanding, highly independent and somewhat aloof. Quite willful, but forms strong bonds with owner.

Can be destructive if left alone; an escape artist, climbing fences and trees; fast and hard to catch. Basset Hound Size: Medium Affectionate, devoted, gentle, naturally well behaved, even tempered, but can be stubborn. Will get fat if it does not have enough exercise.

May pick up a scent and wonder off. Ears need regular attention. May snore and howl.

Can have a "houndy" odor, but others don’t. Beagle Size: Small Curious happy tail-wagger. Calm, loving, gentle and sweet.

Likes to follow his nose; may take off following an interesting scent. Should be in a safe fenced area or on a lead. Can be willful and requires patient, firm training.

Doesn’t like to be left alone. Has a loud baying cry. Can be difficult to housebreak and may have a "houndy" odor.

Bearded Collie Size: Medium Affectionate, playful and happy-go-lucky. Loves children; does not like to be left alone with nothing to do. Needs a lot of exercise and grooming.

Obedience training is a must as they can sometimes be stubborn. Very trainable. Beauceron Size: Large Fearless, very loyal working dog.

Will heard everything in site unless trained otherwise. Needs a lot of outdoor space and daily exercise and preferably a job to do. Very intelligent.

Excellent guard dog, very territorial, may be aggressive with strangers; training and early socialization is a must. Needs dominant owner. Bedlington Terrier Size: Small Lively, determined and courageous.

Very energetic, it has been called a "little powerhouse". Fairly friendly with people, but can be very dog aggressive and likes to bark. Intelligent; can be trained for many duties.

Belgian Griffons Size: Small Charming, high-strung, sensitive and demanding. Intelligent and can be trained to perform tricks. Indoor dog; needs to be with its family.

Can be a picky eater and can be difficult to housebreak. Loves to be pampered and spoiled. Likes to bark.

Belgian Shepherd Groenendael Size: Large Devoted, protective, very smart, proud, sensitive and serious. Very loyal one family dog; reserved with strangers. Needs to be part of the family; not a kennel dog.

Needs a job to do and daily vigorous exercise. Maybe dog aggressive. May display herding behaviors.

Belgian Shepherd Laekenois Size: Large Devoted, protective, very smart, proud, sensitive and serious. Very loyal one family dog; reserved with strangers. Needs to be part of the family; not a kennel dog.

Needs a job to do and daily vigorous exercise. Maybe dog aggressive. May display herding behaviors.

Very light shedder. Belgian Shepherd Malinois Size: Large Devoted, protective, very smart, proud, sensitive and serious. Very loyal one family dog; reserved with strangers.

Needs to be part of the family; not a kennel dog. Needs a job to do and daily vigorous exercise. Maybe dog aggressive.

May display herding behaviors. Belgian Shepherd Tervuren Size: Large Devoted, protective, very smart, proud, sensitive and serious. Very loyal one family dog; reserved with strangers.

Needs to be part of the family; not a kennel dog. Needs a job to do and daily vigorous exercise. Maybe dog aggressive.

May display herding behaviors. Berger De Picard Size: Large Character varies between reserved to unmoved, suspicious to inquisitive, vivacious to tranquil and calm, nervous to well-balanced. Not a suited for a kennel life.

Needs to be well socialized. Some bark a lot. Intelligent but can be stubborn.

They are Voice sensitive. Bernese Mountain Dog Size: Large Gentle, loyal, affectionate, quit and very devoted. Willing and very trainable.

Good-natured. May be slow to mature, remaining puppy like for many years. Not suited to back yard kennel life; needs to be with his people.

Daily vigorous exercise needed. Seasonal heavy shedder. Bichon Frise Size: Small Cheerful, happy, charming and lively.

Intelligent, playful, affectionate and bold. Very light shedder. Frequent grooming needed.

Good for allergy sufferers. Beware of over breeding producing inferior dogs. Can be difficult to housebreak.

Black and Tan Coonhound Size: Large Alert and eager; intelligent but can be willful. Very dedicated to his work. Some can be protective and some can be aggressive, but listen to their owners.

Needs daily vigorous exercise and space to run; makes an excellent jogging companion. May take off after an interesting scent. Likes to howl.

Bloodhound Size: Large Friendly; loves everyone. Good-natured, patient, lovable, excellent with children and docile. Very energetic outdoors.

Willful; needs firm, but gentle training. Likes to bay and may take off after an interesting scent; needs secure fencing. Tends to drool, slobber and snore.

Border Collie Size: Medium Too smart to sit around with nothing to do; needs a job to do or it will find something to do at your expense. Greatly excels in many activities. Vigorous daily exercise needed.

May display herding behaviors. Needs ongoing attention; if left along can become neurotic. Escape artist.

Because of its strong herding instincts, can be snappish with children and strangers. Border Terrier Size: Small Wants to please, alert and lively. Loves children.

Active puppies mellow as adults. Weekly brushings needed with professional grooming twice a year. Bold hunter; do not trust with non-canine pets.

Does not do well when left along all day. Will bark but is not aggressive. Borzoi Size: Large Noble, docile, intelligent and straightforward.

Silent, cat-like and may be a picky eater. Likes to roam and is extremely fast.Do not trust with non-canine pets. Willful and can be snappish if pushed to far.

Boston Terrier Size: Small Well mannered indoor dog. Makes a good watchdog. Fairly friendly with strangers.

Gentle; good for the elderly. Easy to train, but can be difficult to housebreak. May wheeze, drool or snore.

Can over heat easily. Beware of over breeding leading to inferior dogs. Some can be dog aggressive.

Bouvier des Flanders Size: Large Brave, pleasant guard dog. Excellent with children. Loyal, steady, clam, gentle and fearless.

Socialize well to avoid over protecting and shyness. Reserved with strangers. May display herding behaviors.

Does not fully mature until around 2-3 years of age. Can be dog-aggressive. Boxer Size: Large Very devoted; wants to please.

Playful, exuberant, energetic and highly intelligent; good at obedience. Good with children, generally reserved with strangers. Clean, grooms himself like a cat.

Alert and protective. Should have dominant owner. Some tend to snore drool and slobber.

Briard Size: Large Brave, fearless, and strongly protective. Sweet natured, Intelligent and is eager to please his master, but can be stubborn. Needs a firm dominant owner that knows how to be the leader.

Coat needs regular attention. Can be dog aggressive; socialize well when young. Needs vigorous daily exercise.

Brittany Spaniel Size: Medium Excellent, very trainable hunter. Gentle, alert, passionate and active. Affectionate, cheerful with a good nature.

Likes to roam. Needs daily vigorous exercise; and will do best with an active outdoor type family. Some can be hyperactive or nervous.

Bull Terrier Size: Medium Scrappy, energetic, brave, fearless and willful. Fun-loving and clownish. Loyal; becoming very attached to his family.

Can be very dog aggressive. Needs Dominant owner who can show leadership. Needs to be with its family.

Not suited for kennel life. Excellent pet when well socialized, and properly trained and handled, but not recommended for most families. Bulldog Size: Medium Very loyal, affectionate guard dog.

Friendly, loves everyone, but can be dog aggressive if not well socialized as a puppy. Wants to please more then anything. Not a watchdog.

Needs owner who will show leadership. Prone to many health problems. Tends to drool, slobber and snore.

Prone to flatulence. Bullmastiff Size: Large Loyal, fearless protective guard dog. Affectionate and very devoted to his family.

Good natured, but can be stubborn. Needs firm obedience training and a dominant owner who can show leadership. Socialize with other animals and people while young.

More aggressive then the Mastiff. Tends to drool, slobber and snore. Sources: http://dogbreed info.

Com/quickreference. Htm Doglover928's Recommendations Breed Specific - Canine Traits, Characteristics & Idiosyncrasies (The Good Dog Library) Used from: $12.92 Pure breds;: The history and identifying characteristics of all pedigreed dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club Used from: $10.75 .

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I would love to.

(true or not... doesn't matter) Name up to three.

Are all dogs born with the ability to swim.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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