Similar questions: Students site help homework.
I certainly hope so! If they are, I don't mind it a bit. I was once a high school teacher, and I was happy whenever my students did their homework.
If they are using resources like Askville to help them with the task, so much the better. We didn't have resources like this when I was in school, and if my parents were stumped, I was out of luck. I know I have seen some of the questions you may be talking about.
Some of them are pretty specific, i.e. , there were some chemistry questions here a little while ago that looked like they came right out of the back of a textbook. Those questions are rare, though, and it wouldn't matter to me if the kid asking just didn't want to work through the answer him/herself.
Homework does count, at least where I taught, but we never marked off for wrong answers - if I marked up a kid's homework, it was to show him or her what they did wrong and how to do it right - but they got full credit for doing the assignment. Effort is what counts there - the piper is paid on test day, and if you've taken the easy out on your homework, there is no Askville there to help you when you're sweating over how many valence electrons there are in an atom of magnesium. If a kid was failing in my class, it was because of test scores - although kids who did their homework regularly almost invariably scored much higher than kids who blew it off.
I never had even one instance of a kid who did all his homework (most of the slackers were boys) and failed the exams, but I did have one kid, in a geometry class, who rarely turned in his homework, yet did reasonably well on his quizzes and chapter tests. I was curious as to how this could be, but a parent-teacher conference revealed all (as usual). My student would tell his father that he did not have any homework, or that he had done it all in study hall.
S father's response to that was to take the kid's textbook, pull problems out of it, and make him do them anyway! Once the "misunderstanding" about his homework was cleared up, he started turning it in, and brought his grade up to a B. God Bless Parents (sometimes).
Sources: Experience .
Sure, but I don't see anything wrong with that! Not that I condone "cheating", but aside from that we're a great information resource - especially when it comes to getting different opinions perspectives on an issue. We have a lot of cumulative knowledge between all our noggins.
We're smart cookies around here! There have been a good many students who have been forward about the fact that they're asking for homework help, and I applaud them. Better than not doing their homework and just "playing" on PenguinSage's Recommendations "Teacher's Work Is Never Done" Decorative Large Mug With Apple Decor Great Gift Item For Teacher A gift for you, teach!.
Yep loulou, I have noticed the same thing. When I see a question that obviously falls into that category I don’t answer it but I’m sure that a few slip by me. What I want to know is whether they give me credit in their footnotes or if they just make something up.
I guess it would look kind of funny to have a footnote that said, “The King of Random Crap said so. ” One question the other day was a blatant cry for help with algebra homework and if they were looking for help with algebra from me they were barking up a really dumb tree. Sources: my crappy observations .
Sometimes I can't decide if it is homework help or random trivia time There are enough random trivia questions here that I can't help but think that some are probably homework while others might just be throwing something out there to see what comes back. Especially since a lot of our topics would make really, really good essay questions.
The short answer is, 'Well, at least they're coming up with answers instead of copying off each other. ' .
My local school system has a Homework help line for students to call and get help with their homework. Can you believe? " "Help with math homework!" "Opinion: Do you think mandated homework is a viable and necessary part of a child's education?
" "help with homework please! " "Last problem on math homework, help me?" "help with my dimensional analysis homework in chemistry? " "Homework help!
I am mathematically challenged and I can't help my son with his geometry homework." "Homework help! " "Homework help. MLA is giving me a headache." "Do you think students should have homework?
My local school system has a Homework help line for students to call and get help with their homework. Can you believe?
Homework help! I am mathematically challenged and I can't help my son with his geometry homework.
Homework help. MLA is giving me a headache.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.