The truck found out that our "stimulus check" arrived, and promptly needed $1400 worth of work. My bipolar son had a meltdown and painted much of the upstairs and himself with white primer, and then threw his xBox down the stairs.My son then announced that he was hearing voices that were telling him to kill himself so off we went to the psych hospital, where he was admitted at 2 am for $400/day. My daughter, who has her learner's permit, was practicing with the truck and lost control and then panicked, neatly removing one front wheel and trashing the ball joint, axel, bumper, and A frame.
This stranded us in the pleasant but small town of Luling, Texas, for several hours until we could get get a ride to our destination in Austin. What was your worst week? Asked by darwinâ„¢ 41 months ago Similar questions: weeks Health > Mental Health.
1 Well, I'm sure I can look back and find one of those weeks, but I'll just throw this one out to you. My husband drove my car this week, it's not like I'm using it...and didn't pull it into the garage when he was finished. Why, you ask?
Well because the ATVs were in the way, of course, he was working on them! Keep in mind, he has a workshop that could have handled these repairs/'s where he restores cars. car, which is a very nice car, had an incident that night.It stormed, really bad one night and my husband was awakened to the sound of the car alarm.
He didn't think too much of it, those things go off. He just reset the alarm. Next morning, he went out to find a large chunk of the tree laying across my car.'s the first really nice car I've ever owned. I've driven it, less than 5 times. Shortly after he surprised me with the car, I was hospitalized...since then, I've been in and out of the hospital and unable to drive when I haven't been in the hospital.
I love my husband! :) .
Well, I'm sure I can look back and find one of those weeks, but I'll just throw this one out to you. My husband drove my car this week, it's not like I'm using it...and didn't pull it into the garage when he was finished. Why, you ask?
Well because the ATVs were in the way, of course, he was working on them! Keep in mind, he has a workshop that could have handled these repairs/'s where he restores cars. car, which is a very nice car, had an incident that night.It stormed, really bad one night and my husband was awakened to the sound of the car alarm.
He didn't think too much of it, those things go off. He just reset the alarm. Next morning, he went out to find a large chunk of the tree laying across my car.'s the first really nice car I've ever owned. I've driven it, less than 5 times. Shortly after he surprised me with the car, I was hospitalized...since then, I've been in and out of the hospital and unable to drive when I haven't been in the hospital.
I love my husband! :).
2 And I love my children. However, I am sure that if we knew about things like this in advance we would seriously have considered staying single, hormones not withstanding.
And I love my children. However, I am sure that if we knew about things like this in advance we would seriously have considered staying single, hormones not withstanding.
" "To be fair, Dr. Freud probably did make many legitimate advances in the science of mental health. But everything I read" "Is it politically incorrect to call someone crazy now? Mental health advocates are protesting this ad.
I like the king." "Have you ever had one of those weeks when..." "What mental health problems do you considere to be severe mental illnesses? " "After shooting, will mental health practices change? " "whats the name of the movie when the woman escaped from the mental health facility and tries to kill her son and family?" "Mental health question regarding sadness.
" "Requiring a DSM diagnosis before a child can qualify for certain mental health programs, what are your thoughts on it?
To be fair, Dr. Freud probably did make many legitimate advances in the science of mental health. But everything I read.
Mental health advocates are protesting this ad. I like the king.
Have you ever had one of those weeks when...
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.