You should definitely be feeling better by now--call the dentist ASAP! .
Thanks. Im havin surgery for it in the mornin crissy04 2 months ago .
Glad to hear you are getting this taken care of! Hope you feel better soon! .
Call the dentist in the morning, you may need a different type of anitbiotic and probably something stronger, PLUS ask them if they can go ahead and pull that tooth.
Ok, you need to get to a doctor/dentist ASAP. Not all antibiotics are the same. It sounds like your antibiotic is not effective in treating the bacteria that infects you.So, you need a different antibiotic.
You should not let this go. People die from dental infections.
Root canals may not be good...maybe bacteria factories. Nothing may get rid of the pain until the tooth is gone.
The infection has spread and is in my blood stream. Im havin surgery in the mornin. Thanks crissy04 2 months ago .
You can add one drop to your toothpaste on your toothbrush each time you brush. It shouldn't have much if any taste. The fact that you have had a root canal isn't good.
That's another one of those expensive dental procedures which doesn't fix a tooth permanently but they sure make lots of money doing them! The nerve and the pulp of that tooth is removed in a root canal. That is what supplies the tooth with the moisture it needs.
Without it, in time the tooth becomes brittle and will break off if not permanently capped. Another disservice to all of us is the heavy use of fluoride in our toothpastes and water. If most people knew exactly what the fluoride was and where it came from, there would be a huge outcry!
Short version: Fluoride is toxic and causes tooth damage. Don't use toothpastes with it, and make sure it isn't in your water. If you want to find out exactly what fluoride is and how it's a major fraud on the public, go to Google and search on the subject.
I would consider doing a detox of your choosing once the infection is gone. Several years ago I started using a product from Health Plus,Inc. ,called Super Colon Cleanse.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.