How can I implement rest call over HTTPS?

You will need to have an SSL Certificate purchased and installed to handle https (you should be able to get one from your domain name provider, which you will then need to install on your hosting server). The service clients will generally be allowed to connect by any method they choose. It will be your responsibility to stop the request and generate an error message to the client if they attempt to connect by http, instead of allowing them access You can validate whether they are on http or https by checking the Request.Url.

Scheme property in your REST Service API. Typically, a request for http on a service that requires https will return an HTTP 403 (forbidden) status code. If you have access to IIS, you can force HTTPS easily without doing any coding:

You will need to have an SSL Certificate purchased and installed to handle https (you should be able to get one from your domain name provider, which you will then need to install on your hosting server). The service clients will generally be allowed to connect by any method they choose. It will be your responsibility to stop the request and generate an error message to the client if they attempt to connect by http, instead of allowing them access.

You can validate whether they are on http or https by checking the Request.Url. Scheme property in your REST Service API. Typically, a request for http on a service that requires https will return an HTTP 403 (forbidden) status code.

If you have access to IIS, you can force HTTPS easily without doing any coding:

Thanks for the info. I think I am going to need a little more info on implementing this specifically in I will not have access to these settings in IIS through appharbor as far as I know.

– stephen776 Oct 12 at 16:19.

I'm trying to implement WCF into MonoDroid, too. I think there's no big difference between it and MonoTouch. And after researching, I counldn't find the supoort for anyother WCF binding mode except BasicHttpBinding.

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