How to implement Client Authentication with ServiceStack.Net?

For more background information about Authentication in ServiceStack see this question Normally you would authenticate users not clients which you seem to be doing in addition. But if you're trying to lock down services so their only accessible via a specific set of clients you should look into employing some PKI into your client and server Basically something along the lines of: the client sends an additional token at login with an encrypted version of the user:password together with a private key embedded in the app. The server has the client public key and so would do un extra validation step on Login to unencrypt the user:pass token and compare it with the validated user credentials If a PKI solution is too heavy, an alternate strategy without using encryption could be for clients to ship with a secret Guid which when they login which will send an MD5 hash version of the Guid and the current time, as well as the unhashed version of the time.

If the time is within a specified threshold and the MD5 hash is valid then their using an authenticated client.

For more background information about Authentication in ServiceStack see this question. Normally you would authenticate users not clients which you seem to be doing in addition. But if you're trying to lock down services so their only accessible via a specific set of clients you should look into employing some PKI into your client and server.

Basically something along the lines of: the client sends an additional token at login with an encrypted version of the user:password together with a private key embedded in the app. The server has the client public key and so would do un extra validation step on Login to unencrypt the user:pass token and compare it with the validated user credentials. If a PKI solution is too heavy, an alternate strategy without using encryption could be for clients to ship with a secret Guid which when they login which will send an MD5 hash version of the Guid and the current time, as well as the unhashed version of the time.

If the time is within a specified threshold and the MD5 hash is valid then their using an authenticated client.

Thanks. For now, I think something along the lines of the hashed guid will suffice. Love ServiceStack btw!

– stephen776 Oct 11 at 14:29.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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