How does s-video cable work between TV and computer? Does it carry Video signal as well as audio signal?

I plan to connect my laptop with s-video out to the TV to play video's. Can I just use a s-video cable to make the connection? Does it carry the sound to the TV?

Please advise and give me other suggestions ...Thanks. Asked by donaldli939 49 months ago Similar questions: s video cable work TV computer carry Video signal audio Computers > Hardware > Desktops & Laptops.

Similar questions: s video cable work TV computer carry Video signal audio.

No, S-Video does not carry audio. S-video (the S stands for "separate" as opposed to "composite") is just a higher-quality way of getting a video signal from one place to another via cables. Video for television in the home is usually composite video, which is carried on those cables with RCA connectors that everyone's seen connecting DVD players and game consoles to the video inputs of TVs everywhere.

Composite video suffers from a problem called crosstalk, where the chrominance (color) subcarrier interferes with the luminance (black and white) signal because they're mixed together on the same cable. In practice, manufacturers generally put filters in line to limit the bandwidth of the luminance signal to reduce the interference, and this limits the sharpness of the picture. S-video splits the luminance and chrominance signals (generally called Y and C by engineers) onto separate cables and combines those cables onto a single connector.

Keeping the signals separate eliminates the crosstalk and allows full resolution for both signals, making for a sharper, cleaner, higher-quality picture. Like composite video, S-video carries no audio signal. You will still have to run separate audio cables.

You can always use a 1/8" mini to dual RCA adapter to interface the headphone output of your laptop to your TV's audio inputs. Just keep the volume on the laptop set fairly low to avoid overdriving the TV.

S-Video only carries a video signal... S-Video only carries a video signal. Now depending on what type of output connections you have on your particular laptop, you can send audio separately using the "headphone"-out jack or any other specific audio-out jack. But keep in mind the inputs that your TV has since you may need an adapter to connect the audio-out from your PC into your TV.

Another option for sound output would be to use external speakers connected directly to your laptop.

It works very well, thank you -- but does not carry audio. That's your basic answer, right there. S-Video cables do not carry audio, but using one between your laptop and TV is pretty much as easy as plugging it in.

You should try plugging it in before starting your computer, the computer will might detect it and enable the video output. If that doesn't work, check your computer's advanced display properties (right-click the desktop, go to properties, click the settings tab, click advanced, poke around), or consult your laptop's manual. As for sound, S-video does not carry sound.

You will probably notice on your TV that next to your S-Video input, there are two round plugs, one red and one white. These are for the audio input. To connect your computer's headphone/speaker jack to this, you need a Y-cable (see below).

Standard cable disclaimer: All cables are created equal. A $5 cable from Amazon is going to work as well as a $40 cable from Best Buy, the only difference is the price. Another note: S-video (and most TV's) are very low resolution.

On a standard definition TV, you will be able to view 640x480 resolution well, or, maybe, a blurry 800x600. This is acceptable for video (watching DVD's, etc), but probably not for everyday computer use (inlcuding web-surfing or document reading/writing). Sources: Personal Experience plamoni's Recommendations 3.5MM To Stereo Rca Cables Amazon List Price: $4.99 Used from: $3.49 .

S-video S-Video carries audio and video. If your laptop has s-video you can output it to the input of an S-video jack on your TV. It is a good clean connection and I believe close to component video in picture quality due to separation of video color signals.

Sources: IMHO .

1 JayD, regarding your answer "S-video": Actually, S-video is one form of component video. The term comes from the fact that the components of the signal (Y and C, in this case) are handled separately.

JayD, regarding your answer "S-video": Actually, S-video is one form of component video. The term comes from the fact that the components of the signal (Y and C, in this case) are handled separately.

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