In a Cold Spaghetti Salad, can the vinegar be done without?

If you are looking to make cold spaghetti salad and if you do not want to use Vinegar then you can substitute it with alternatives like lemon juice or lime juice. You can even try to minimize the use of vinegar. You can also try using balsamic vinegar or a cheaper fruity one which is available widely.

For a cold spaghetti salad recipe with lemon juice check this link You can use fresh button mushrooms or ones from a can and you need to slice them before adding them. Here is one recipe for cold spaghetti salad that has mushrooms As for salad seasoning several recipes mention that Salad Supreme from McCormick is the best. If you want more information about this seasoning check this link For cold spaghetti salad recipes that feature mushrooms check this link and also check this link which has a guide on how to make it

Use ingredients that will give your pasta salad lots of varied taste and texture: cook vegetables just until tender, then plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking before they get mushy (this is called "refreshing" or "shocking" your vegetables), or just leave the vegetables crisp and raw. Other things to add gusto are toasted nuts, dried fruit, fresh herbs, crumbled cheese, and tidbits of your favorite meat. To save a little time, you can always use bottled salad dressing to toss with your pasta salad, but if you're in a "from scratch" kind of mood, the possibilities are positively tantalizing.

A mixture of oil and vinegar is arguably the most popular way to dress a pasta salad, but you can also make creamy dressing with mayonnaise, sour cream, or yogurt. For sautéing, it's fine to use vegetable oil, but for salad dressing, use high-quality, flavorful oils. Extra-virgin olive oil, toasted sesame oil, hazelnut oil, and walnut oil are all power-players in the world of taste, and you can get by with using much less oil while still adding superior flavor if you choose a bold one.

To add that all-important zing to the dressing, try cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, white wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, raspberry vinegar, or even lime or lemon juice. Whatever you use as the basis of your dressing, be sure to round it out with salt and pepper, and perhaps a dash of red pepper flakes, a little bit of crushed garlic, a dab of mustard, or anything else you think will make your pasta salad distinctly divine.

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