A reasonable accommodation would include being tolerant of MINIMAL inappropriate behavior as long as it is not threatening and providing redirection...but if it continues to be a problem that is grounds to fire someone. Most people claim they did not intend to bother someone. You seem to be more mature than most.
Most others would still insist they did nothing wrong. Trust that there are some people on here that consistently give wrong answers and don't even try to understand the question. And BTW, be careful about leaving anything off an application.
Lying on a resume or application is grounds or firing an employee. Leaving something out could be construed as lying by omission. And in the future, keep ALL innuendo out of the workplace, whether you think they have a problem with it or not.
I'm guessing, I could be wrong, that this women filed because others wouldn't. She was fed up with the overall work environment you created and took this chance to get you. I am guessing she didn't imagine you would get fired and they would give you a second chance and you would change.
But it didn't happen that way, Don't use them as a reference. Water under the bridge. Move on.
Added - You are now an ideal candidate for the type of resume many now people use. You do not list your jobs by date. You instead have paragraphs that discuss your job skills and experiences.
Include information about the place, what you do and year you did it, but not in a chronology. A lot of people do this to shorten their resume. But it also works well to make gaps less obvious or to skip jobs unrelated to what you are applyig to do.
An ideal resume for jobs at mid to lower levels is one page long - higher two - unless it includes a list of pubications, more, it won't be read. XX displayed her organizational and marketing skills when she hosted the ADA 25 celebration (2015), chaired the disability access committee at the US Social Forum (2012), and developed a website to repond to the immediate of needs of people with disabilities after the Katrina hurricane (2005). Her website was adopted by FEMA and received many awards.
The ADA event was attended by over 2,000 people. This kind of resume invites a potential employer to ask questionsand see you as a well rounded person, not a list of jobs.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.