My hair is a dark almost black color im trying to dye it a vibrant red but nothing works?

Similar questions: hair dark black color im dye vibrant red works.

Go to a salon and get it professionally done. Very dark hair does not take home hair dyes very well.

I agree with TurboB...definitely go to a professional.

Your best bet is going to the salon have them strip your color and then have them dye it the color you want. Black is a very hard color to dye .

Your best bet is going to the salon and have them strip your color and then have them dye it the color you want. Black hair is very hard to dye .

Getting any kind of color on top of BLACK would require a professional.

My hair is very dark brown, almost black." "I have like a dark brown hair color, But I want to get it dyed like a red color. What kind of red would be best? " "MY hair is dark brown I want to dye it a light brown color.Do you think if I use a gold color it would turn a light brow" "How can I dye my hair black?

" "Ladies, do you dye your hair? Why do you do it and what color is the dye?" "I used Ion Colorbrilliance hair color in dark brown and it turned my hair black. Can a red dye lighten my hair?

" "i have medium brown hair and I want to dye it dark blonde would it look good? Ps.My skin toon is an olive color" " Okay, I want a good RED hair dye. My hair is dark brown (almost black) and shoulder length.

Any bleaches needed?Thx.

I have like a dark brown hair color, But I want to get it dyed like a red color. What kind of red would be best?

MY hair is dark brown I want to dye it a light brown color. Do you think if I use a gold color it would turn a light brow.

I used Ion Colorbrilliance hair color in dark brown and it turned my hair black. Can a red dye lighten my hair?

I have medium brown hair and I want to dye it dark blonde would it look good?ps. My skin toon is an olive color.

Okay, I want a good RED hair dye. My hair is dark brown (almost black) and shoulder length. Any bleaches needed?Thx.

Getting any kind of color on top of BLACK would require a professional. Danielpauldavis 51 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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