Oh geez, I've lost yet another bookmark! Where do you think all of the lost bookmarks go?

Oh geez, I've lost yet another bookmark! Where do you think all of the lost bookmarks go? Give me something creative, what do you think happened to my bookmark?(just to clarify, I'm not talking about a computer bookmark, I'm talking about that thing you put in your book to mark your place) Asked by Late2Serenity 52 months ago Similar questions: geez lost bookmark bookmarks Sports & Recreation.

Similar questions: geez lost bookmark bookmarks.

Oh geez, not another lost bookmark! I do know something about those lost bookmarks... It was a dark and stormy night.... Gertrude Bingley, Gertie to her friends, was sitting in the overstuffed Queen Anne wingchair bequeathed to her upon the death of her great-aunt, Agatha Mallory. Gertie, a woman approaching her mid-60s, led a quiet existence, living alone in a small cottage near the sea in the lovely Cornish village of West Looe.

In years gone by, Gertie would have been considered a spinster, or, a less polite term, an old maid. The village gossips, women and men, would smile and wave hello to Gertie each morning when they saw her passing by on her way to work at the Charity Shop in East Looe. The walk from West Looe to East Looe wasn’t long, merely a walk across the bridge over the inlet leading to the English Channel.

Gertie loved this walk, the smell of the sea, the sight of the gulls flying overhead, some dancing atop the mud at low-tide and the fishing boats moored to the piers awaiting the tide to come in. That is when this little fishing village came alive. Gertie’s routine never varied, once she crossed the bridge she would hurry to Mrs. Margate’s Book Shop, looking at the books displayed in the window, hoping for the latest book by her favorite author to appear.

She knew the book was due, but for the life of her couldn’t understand the delay. Oh, but this morning, this was the morning Gertie finally saw the book in the window. She was elated.

Finally, she would learn what happened to Kate Stanstead, Private Investigator. At the end of the last book in the series, Kate had gone missing. That’s it?

Gertie mumbled in disgust. How could this book end with Kate missing? There were rumors the author had tired of writing the "Kate Stanstead Mystery" series, but Gertie never thought for a minute that could possibly be true.

In many ways, Gertie experienced life as she imagined Kate would. No, Gertie, wasn’t a private investigator like Kate, but Gertie’s desire to be a P.I.Consumed her. Strangely, when Gertie got to the entrance of the book shop she noticed the door was ajar.

She slowly pushed open the door, fearful of what she would find in the shop. She crossed the entryway, muttered a soft "hullo" and listened for a friendly greeting from Mrs. Margate, the proprietress. The quiet was dismaying, no one was in the shop.

Gertie inched her way further into the shop, all the while hoping Mrs. Margate would come bursting in from the back room, arms laden with books and a smile of recognition on her sweet face. Alas, that was not to be. Gertie found Mrs. Margate’s lifeless body lying on the floor behind the counter.

The shock was too great for Gertie to take in. She fell into a heap upon the floor, not quite unconscious, but nearly. After a time, Gertie became aware of her surroundings, the books, the counter, the...body of Mrs. Margate.

But, there was something odd about Mrs. Margate’s lifeless form. Scattered about the floor and upon Mrs. Margate’s body, were thousands of bookmarks. Bookmarks?

What are those bookmarks doing there? Why so many? Who put them there?

Gertie was stupefied. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Gertie thought she saw some of the bookmarks moving. She shook her head, as if to bring her back to reality.

She knew it was her imagination taking flight. Of course, the shock is what’s causing these bizarre visions, she thought. Although, why do the bookmarks on Mrs. Margate’s body appear to be fewer than Gertie had thought originally?

Gertie slowly got to her feet dusting off the back of her skirt. When she did that, some bookmarks fell to the floor. Gertie turned with a fright when she heard eerie sounds coming from behind her.

Gertie gasped when she saw hundreds of bookmarks of various shapes, sizes, designs and colors inching along the wooden floor, perfectly aligned, as if soldier’s marching in formation. The room was teeming with marching bookmarks. Some with scenes from children’s stories, others of lovers entwined in one another’s arms, some with dinosaurs baring teeth, others with elephants, tigers and wild horses, and others with rockets, guns, hand grenades, nuclear missiles and mushroom clouds.

Gertie couldn’t take in what was happening. All at once, a booming voice came from a loud speaker, Gertie turned towards where she believed the sound was coming. There, leaning up against the front of the counter near Mrs. Margate’s body, was a bookmark with a life-like depiction of a high school cheerleader holding a megaphone to her mouth, barking out orders to the battalion of bookmarks: "Cinderella, take off those glass slippers.

I told you on this foray you had to wear combat boots. " "Snow White, snap out of it -- wake-up." "Rapunzel, do something with that hair; the troops are tripping over your long golden tresses. " "Spiderman, come down from the ceiling!

" "Pinocchio, stop being so nosy -- pay attention when I’m speaking!" The orders seemed endless to Gertie. What’s to become of me, she thought.

Gertie slowly approached the cheerleader bookmark and asked if she could have a word with her. The cheerleader barked out - Yes, go ahead. Gertie, told the cheerleader she knew she would be killed by the bookmark brigade, but she needed to know how the bookmarks came alive, and why did they mass in Mrs. Margate’s bookshop, in the quaint village of East Looe?

Mostly, Gertie needed to know why Mrs. Margate was murdered. The cheerleader told Gertie, since it would be Gertie’s last request before being put to death, she would answer all of Gertie’s questions. The cheerleader, after telling the other bookmarks to stand at ease, began to explain to Gertie the why’s and wherefore’s of the rendezvous of bookmarks in Mrs. Margate’s Book Shop.

The cheerleader used to reside inside a book owned by a teenage girl who emigrated to England from the United States, the girl actually was a cheerleader in the US.As it happened, the girl and her family moved to West Looe and when the girl outgrew the childish books she loved, she and her mother decided to take them to Mrs. Margate’s shop; which was also a book swap and assignment shop. The girl left the books, but neglected to remove the bookmarks from the dusty books. The cheerleader, Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, Pinocchio and Spiderman bookmarks were left inside the books.

There were other bookmarks left inside books brought in for trade with Mrs. Margate. All types of bookmarks were in Mrs. Margate’s shop. One night, a bookmark fell out of a book, the book dealt with witchcraft and wizardry and the bookmark had pictures of "he who shall not be named."

Suddenly, a great steak of lightening appeared, along with a loud clap of thunder. After that occurrence, the bookmarks which were inside books, on the floor, and on Mrs. Margate’s desk, rose as one and miraculously came to life. Every evening after Mrs. Margate went off to sleep, in the flat above the shop, the bookmarks met to decide how they would make their escape from Mrs. Margate’s Book Shop, and from Mrs. Margate, who was not who she appeared to be to the rest of the village.Mrs. Margate was cruel, she used to black-out passages in books which did not meet with her standards, decent or otherwise.In fact, Mrs. Margate used to rip out pages from books and burn them in her upstairs fireplace.

Oh, but the bookmarks knew how they would escape from Mrs. Margate’s shop, and how other bookmarks could help in their escape and with freeing all bookmarks which were kept captive inside books; which bookmarks found to be stifling and boring.Mrs. Margate had to give-in to technological advances, although, she fought it to her death. The cheerleader giggled after she said that, she hadn’t meant it to come out that way, but, after all, she was a girl with a lively sense of humor, which all the boy bookmarks loved. Gertie, stood patiently waiting for the cheerleader to go on with her story.

Finally, the cheerleader told Gertie of the plans for a world-wide assembly of bookmarks. The cheerleader, along with "he who shall not be named" found Mrs. Margate’s computer password; which was shamefully written on another bookmark, and logged on to Mrs. Margate’s, hated technological computer. Once online, the cheerleader went onto Mrs. Margate’s list of clients, bookseller’s and publishing houses.

It was so easy to find, after all, Mrs. Margate had bookmarked each one. From that list, "he who shall not be named" used his magical, evil powers to bring to life all the bookmarks inserted in books, on shelves, in boxes, or waiting to be sold. From that day, every bookmark in every home, shop, etc. , in the world appeared for all intents and purposes to have been lost or misplaced by their owners.

Every flight, ship, train, bus, automobile, backpack, purse and every form of transportation known to man, woman and child was used by all the worlds bookmarks to assemble in Looe, Cornwall, England. The purpose for this meeting? Gertie asked.

The purpose, the cheerleader said, is to end the world-wide dependence on cheaply made products, made in underdeveloped countries sweatshops, paying worker’s a pittance, compared to the profits made by the owners of those sweatshops where the children, women and men worked day and night to produce lesser-quality bookmarks. The cheerleader began to cry; which wasn’t good if she wanted to maintain her beautiful appearance. Soggy bookmarks just won’t do, she thought.

Gertie understood, somewhat, why the bookmarks of the world united as one, but she still didn’t understand why Mrs. Margate was murdered. Why? She asked the cheerleader.

Oh, said the cheerleader, it wasn’t murder.No, Mrs. Margate changed towards us, once we explained why we wanted to go on strike and stay out of sight and out of use, until the world community came to their senses and realized the importance of quality bookmarks, instead of cheaply made and inferior quality bookmarks. I’m confused, said Gertie. I still don’t know how Mrs. Margate died?

The cheerleader looked at Gertie, and at all the other bookmarks gathered around the counter and nearby vicinity, hung her top and whispered. We bookmarks were so happy with the change in Mrs. Margate and with her true gentle nature and understanding, we couldn’t resists, we cuddled and hugged Mrs. Margate for what seemed like an eternity. All of us laughing and caressing her arms, legs, face and smoothing her hair.

When suddenly Mrs. Margate went limp and cried out in pain. What happened to her? Gertie pleaded for answers.

The cheerleader finally told her.Mrs. Margate’s death was caused by a million paper cuts. By this time, all the bookmarks, including the cheerleader, began sobbing and bemoaning the loss of their dear, sweet Mrs. Margate. Gertie, speaking gently, in a comforting tone offered words of consolation to the grief-stricken bookmarks.

With that, the tears and moans subsided, except for one loud, sneering voice mocking the tear-soggy bookmarks. During the time the cheerleader was telling Gertie the woeful story of the bookmarks and of Mrs. Margate’s death, "he who shall not be named" and the bookmarks depicting weapons of mass destruction were massing an all out attack against the kindly bookmarks. Gertie heard a soft "psst!" coming from the cheerleader.

When Gertie’s eyes followed the cheerleader’s gaze in the direction of office supplies on Mrs. Margate’s counter, Gertie knew exactly what the cheerleader wanted of her. Gertie, ever so slowly, snatched a tube of glue from the counter top, avoiding any moves which would gain the attention of "he who shall not be named." Gertie flipped open the lid with her thumbnail and proceeded to inch her way towards the evil-doer bookmarks.

Just when Gertie was ready to make her move, "he who shall not be named" and his rogue bookmark commandoes focused their weapons at Gertie. But, Gertie, being quicker than they and towering over them unleashed her weapon -- Super Glue! Gertie aimed the nozzle in the direction of "he who shall not be named" and his rogue army of bookmarks, and proceded to unmercifully squirt super glue all over the evil bookmarks.

After Gertie’s counter-attack ended, every last one of the evil bookmarks, and the most evil bookmark of all -- "he who shall not be named" were forever stuck together, eyes shut, mouths closed, never to have their poisonous, venomous hatred spread throughout the land of bookmarks, ever again. With a soft cheer from the bookmarks, and a louder cheer led by the cheerleader, Gertie was overwhelmed by the love shown her from the voices of the bookmarks -- Hooray! Three cheers for Gertie!

Gertie bent and gently kissed the cheerleader upon her painted cheek. The cheerleader blushed, stood erect, and with her now familiar megaphone enhanced voice, declared victory and gratefully spared the life of Gertrude Bingley, honorary P.I. Gertie searched the shop and upstairs flat for the keys to the automobile, but they were nowhere to be found. Gertie then knew the keys had to be somewhere on Mrs. Margate’s body.

She bent down and began to pat the back pockets on Mrs. Margate’s skirt.Nothing. Next, Gertie felt inside Mrs. Margate’s sweater pockets, nothing there either. One more place to search, the front pocket on Mrs. Margate’s skirt.

Gertie began turning Mrs. Margate on to her back. Suddenly, Mrs. Margate let out a deep moan, and a cough. Gertie let out a loud gasp, and announced, you’re alive!Mrs. Margate said, of course silly, it would take more than paper cuts to kill me.

I’m immune to paper cuts. This old body has been cut more times than I can count. I was just a bit stunned and lightheaded when my head hit the floor after I tripped on Rapunzel’s hair.

After that, Mrs. Margate, with Gertie and the bookmarks in her car drove to Lands End, Cornwall.Mrs. Margate and Gertie took the bookmarks out of the boxes; Mrs. Margate said farewell to the bookmarks. Gertie kissed the cheerleader goodbye, wished her and all the bookmarks long and happy lives, nestled inside carefully loved books with stories which would forever be enjoyed by children and adults throughout the world. With that, Gertie and Mrs. Margate set the bookmarks free." "Save the cheerleader...Save the World.

" From, "He who shall not be named. " Sources: my mind? Lin?

™'s Recommendations Mallory's Oracle (Kathleen Mallory Novels) Amazon List Price: $7.99 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 66 reviews) Last known whereabouts for L2S's Missing Bookmark.

It escaped the oppression of the evil overlords_ (BTW I have this problem too) Once upon a time, there was a sad scrap of paper. However, this was not just any scrap of paper. This once had been a happy scrap, a piece of paper that had been on a roll which was used in a nice library to show the irresponsible patrons when there books were overdue.

However, while this paper had been happy on the roll, when it was taken home with a certain girl while hidden inside of a book called "Harry Potter," it learned the meaning of pain. The book started whispering to it, telling it about why books would always rule over bookmarks. The scrap served the book in this way for several months.

Eventually the girl finally finished Harry Potter, but soon she decided that the scrap needed another job and he was put in "The Da Vinci Code. " The Code was even worse with the whispering and all. So finally, the bookmark decided to escape.

One day, he edged out of the window and a gust of wind picked up, blowing him away. He blew for days and finally was caught in a sewer and pulled under into the feces. But he didn't care.

He only was happy that books would never again oppress him.

They get bored and move on. You see, when you aren't around, many bookmarks continue reading the book you stick them in. Once they have finished, they need something else to do and that is when the real trouble starts.

If there isn't another good book nearby then they start trying on your clothes. Now, since bookmarks are small, the only thing that will really fit them are socks. This is why socks go missing...they are being worn by your missing bookmarks.

After your bookmarks have their new wardrobes, they usually decide to head out on the town. They tend not to care about putting things back where they belong but they will lock-up so now you know why you can never seem to find your keys either. Unfortunately, most bookmarks are unaware that dogs consider them to be a delicacy.

Once outside, dogs will quickly pick up the scent of a bookmark and eat it right out of its clothing. That is why you see dogs chewing on old socks so often. So these poor misguided bookmarks meet a bitter end because you haven't kept them near other books to hold their interest.Be kind to your bookmarks, they need you to protect them.

I use bookweights to hold my book open when I'm reading at lunch. They are a little strip of leather with a pouch at either end, containing lead weights. They're great on windy days, when eating outside, or for stiff books that keep wanting to close.

Hands-free reading is a wonderful thing. So many people have passed me at lunch and asked what they are. Anyway, they keep falling out of my fanny pack.

I've lost three over the years. The last one even had my initials on it. Imagine, the poor thing, falling to the ground, sniffing around like a lost dog, forlorn and hopeless.

Maybe someone picks it up, but do they even know what it's for? Do they use it? Do they toss it in the trash?

Do they commit a crime with it? Could I ever be reunited with my lost bookweights? Are they out there, doing good in some karmic way -- finding a new person who really needs their pages held down more than I do?

I miss my bookweights. I need to order another one. Let me tell you, Late2Serenity, if you buy a bookweight, you'll never lose a bookmark again.

I have so many ratty bookmarks lying around the house, getting used over and over again, that I almost wish they would take a trip somewhere. They're like guinea pigs. They never go anywhere.

You want something that will give you a run for your money? Get a bookweight. They'll keep you on your toes!

Sources: addedtouchstore.com/prodinfo.asp?number=... .

It probably got lost in a good book and is waiting for its owner to get back into it.

I'm throughly fed up with this feature of Moz. " "Geez! Am I the only one on right now?

Any one there? Stop in and say hi!" "Another (dumb) iPod question. BUT geez..." "how do you re-arrange bookmarks bookmark toolbar folder of firefox?

" "In Firefox 3, what could I have done to not be able to see my bookmarks on the bookmark toolbar?

I'm throughly fed up with this feature of Moz.

Geez! Am I the only one on right now? Any one there?

Stop in and say hi!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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