Yeah, I get what you mean. It's partly because they're curious and want to try make up and stuff like that which older girls and adults do (i remember I was a little bit interested in make up but I don't wear any now!) and partly because they believe that's 'cool' and want attention. It's basically their way of saying, hey look at me, i'm in the cool group!
Or something like that and it makes them feel good about themselves. In some cases, like mine with make up (although I didn't wear slutty clothes, take slutty pictures of me and send them to people and I didn't quite pound on make up, just mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow and this lip gloss at the most so not the full works) it's just a phase and it passes. I've got my own style now and i'm pretty much happy with it.
But for some people, they'll never grow up out of it, and they'll always think that it's all about silly things like looks. But either way, just leave that girl alone, and let her choose what to do with her own life, and if she's smart, she'll grow out of it. If not..her choice.... good for you!
Keep up with that attitude and I can pretty much guarantee that you'll accomplish something good in future if you haven't already!
I know, they're everywhere >. < I think its because they want attention. My younger cousin, I was in town visiting the fam, and we were just hanging out, I went through her phone, and this little girl has nudes all up in her albums!
She's 12! Like WTF. I was qonna say somethinq to her, but it was kind of weird, I mean I was in shock for one because I always thouqht she was a qood little qirl.
And she too has nothinq. Lol So I don't understand. I think its a phase, or sometimes their mothers.
I think the parentinq has to do with it too. And just that they like the attention they qet from revealinq themselves, even thouqh, thats the wronq attention their attractinq. She'll qrow up soon hopefully.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.