Vibhishana's nature with Ravana was not like a brother. He did not acted as an affectional brother only but also, a teacher, a guide, a sage. If you go through the Ramayana, you can know his activities step by step.
He is coming to Rama surrendering him. Everyone surrounded Rama objects the surrender. Rama sees Hanuman.
Why Rama did not take the others who objects his surrender, but Rama seek the opinion of Hanuman? Hanuman not objected and agrees. Rama accepts Vibhishana.
Why? Hanuman is the only person who gone to Lanka as Ramadhoota and got many great informations including Vibhishana. So, Vibhishana got good qualities.
He advices Ravana not to hurt the Ramadhoota. Here he acts as a good teacher. Vibhishana, who was skilled in communication and a conqueror of enemies, spoke softly the following very meaningful and useful words to Ravana, his venerable brother.
"O king of demons! Forgive and give up your anger. Be gracious and hear my words.
Virtuous kings of excellence, knowing the distant and the near, do not cause killing of an envoy. O hero! Killing of this monkey is against a royal virtue and any universal custom condemns it.
Hence, it is improper for you also to do it." "You are indeed the knower of what is right. You are a person of gratitude. You are well-versed in royal virtues.
You know both the distant and the near in beings. You know the highest truth. If even learned persons like you are seized by anger, then the knowledge of scriptures is indeed just a labour in vain.
O king of demons! O annihilator of enemies, dangerous to be approached! Therefore, be graceful.
After ascertaining about right and wrong, let appropriate punishment be ordered to the envoy." Betrayel is called a trust break. Ravana never trusted Vibhishana or Kumbakarna.
Vibhishana never done harm to his brother Ravana. It is Ravana who failed to take advice from Vibhishana who told Dharma. Vibhishana is a significant character in the epic Ramayana, who served Rama during the fight of Rama and Ravana though he was the brother of Ravana, the king of Lanka.
Although Vibhishana was born in Rakshasa dynasty he was a noble character. Vibhishana was against the kidnapping and abduction of Sita. He advised his elder brother Ravana to return Sita to her husband Rama.
He was exiled by his own brother Ravana for telling good advice. Taking karna. Karna says to Krishna ''And now about Duryodhana.
We are two bodies but one soul. When the whole world was mocking me as lowborn, he honored me. I went to him as a nobody, but he bestowed a kingdom on me.
He has given boundless friendship. How can I repay his debt? In declaring war on the Pandavas he has mainly relied on me.
Shall I join the Pandavas and betray him? No, Krishna. Duryodhana is the master who gave me succour.
He is my master, my all. I will stand by him and fight the Pandavas. If I win I shall have the satisfaction of having done my master's work; if I die I shall have glory.
So I am resolved. Now let us part. A cut and right response came from karna when krishna suggested him to cross over pandava side. you are asking '' who is great ''? No doubt Vibhishana's services, actions, his role is great, but this is purely against the demonic qualities. He stands bright.
His efforts to bring Ravana failed. He took many efforts to bring Ravana to a good way. But, death or survival, good or bad, he should have stayed with Ravana like Kumbakarna.
His surrender brought him a bad name that he guided Rama in the war is true as per Ramayana. But, Karna was very firm in his decision. Karna is an example for gratitude.
Thiruvalluvar said gratitude is a great matter. Anyone can go to heaven, but those who betroyed will never reach heaven. No life for those who forget gratitude.?.
(meaning:? ;?.) In this angle, though the two are great Karna stands first between this two. Respectful Samarita, namasthe.
I saw your answer. I do not think we can sit in judgement as to who was punished the most. All had their karmas and were bound by them, though with rightful action the severity could have been avoided.
Many like you would say karna, his birth etc.,his side taking and remained with Duriyodhan etc.,If so, in mahabharata the pandava brothers were worst affected though they associated, got help from sri krishna. Next comes Aswathama. So, the end will never be a beginning sir.
I feel Karna is great. He had a promise to fulfil. Duryodhana was the one who gave Karna respect and identity in society by making him the king of Anga.
For this same act of honour, Karna rejected the best of the offers by Pandavas and lived with his best friend forever. Vibhishana of course was a noble soul but somewhere does not match up with him.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.