Sold an item on eBay, now buyer wants refund?

You don't need to do anything else,let eBay deal with it. You will get your money when they have sorted it. Meanwhile,make no further contact with your buyer,it's not required.

A bracelet is either a bracelet or it isn't. Have no clue why she would say it's illegal to post back. Of course, it's not illegal.

When shopping in a store - to get a refund one has to return the item. One doesn't get to keep item and get refunded. If she closed her case - then I would just leave yours open and let eBay deal with it.

You should have received an email saying that you have created a shipping label on ebay or paypal shipping. To cancel this label simply open the email, scroll down toward the bottom of the email and there will be a paragraph that will provide the exact link to cancel the very label you want to cancel. On your My eBay page, go down to the items you've sold.

Select the item you want to cancel, on the drop down menu, select report a problem with this transaction, press continue and select "We have both agreed not to complete the transaction" Both the buyer and seller MUST agree to cancel the transaction in order for your eBay fees to be credited to your account. Please note that the eBay fees that you have paid will be credited to your account for future use and will not go to your PayPal account. You can contact eBay directly and ask them if they can send it to your PayPal account (I'm not sure of this though).

After this, then you should refund the buyer. PayPal fees are automatically refunded to you once you issue a refund to the buyer. You must use the refund payment link and NOT resend the money in another fashion or else your paypal fees won't be returned.

So you would subtract the cost of the ipod from the total amount of items (ipod, shipping, paypal, ect). Then charge him that. If, or when the ipod returns.

(Shipping+ipod+paypal+taxes) - (ipod) = What you charge him, if he returns it. Its ultimately his fault for purchasing something out of his budget. But since you are trying to be nice, you can give him back something that would not break your nor his bank.

Nevertheless, you have all the rights to do what you want.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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