Similar questions: fiction autobiographical books read aspiring pharmacist.
Some resources on pharmacy and pharmacotherapy. Comprehensive Pharmacy Review (Paperback) Price: $48.95Book DescriptionThoroughly revised to reflect the current progress of pharmacy education and practice, the Fifth Edition of this best-selling review guide is a must for candidates preparing for the NAPLEX® and for all pharmacy undergraduates, instructors, and professionals. More than 70 specialists provide detailed, up-to-date summaries of a wide range of key topics, including chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacy practice, and drug therapy.
Chapters are organized to parallel the pharmacy curriculum and written in easy-to-use outline format. Each chapter ends with questions that offer NAPLEX®candidates test practice. Appendices include prescription dispensing information, common prescription drugs, reference charts, and general pharmacy resources.
Link:***Essentials of Human Physiology for Pharmacy (Crc Press Pharmacy Education Series) (Hardcover) Price: $62.96Book DescriptionTextbooks on human physiology abound. However, they are either basic in nature or are rigorous treatments written for medical and graduate students and exceed the level of detail that pharmacy students need. Essentials of Human Physiology for Pharmacy puts the important topics right at students' fingertips.It describes physiology with just the right amount of detail and contains references to therapeutics and the practice of pharmacy that help students understand basic concepts.
Providing the fundamentals of physiology specifically geared towards pharmacy students, the book establishes the connection between physiology and pharmacy. Link:***A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice (Paperback) Price: $64.95Book DescriptionThis book provides a source for contemporary practice previously found spread out over journal articles, legal documents, standards of practice, specialty books and textbooks.It goes through the steps of receiving the prescription, preparing it and completing the compound. Includes a back-of-the-book CD-ROM that complements the text with study guides, interactive self-assessment and multimedia demonstrations of compounding procedures for key chapters.
Link:***Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists (Paperback)Price: $49.95Book DescriptionThis well-known guide teaches pharmacists and pharmacy students how to more effectively and efficiently research, interpret, utilize, organize, and distribute drug information. Link:***Pharmacotherapy Handbook (Paperback) Price: $46.01Book DescriptionThe second edition of the Pharmacotherapy Handbook provides readers with a portable, readable guide that is integral to any clinical setting. Bold-face type highlights drug names when they first appear and in all closing information.
The book's bulleted format helps readers find the information they need immediately. This updated book was designed as a companion text for the fourth edition Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, by DiPiro et al. Link:***Introduction to Health Care Delivery: A Primer for Pharmacists (Paperback) Price: $55.44Book DescriptionIntroduction to Health Care Delivery: A Primer for Pharmacists, Third Edition, offers a current and comprehensive picture of the U.S. Health care delivery system while emphasizing the perspective of the pharmacy profession.
Each chapter in the new edition of this practical text begins with a real-world case study that demonstrates the connection between the concepts reviewed and the pharmacist's role. Link:***I hope that helps! :-) Sources: Inside .
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Please name some of your favorite non fiction books.
I am looking for science fiction books from the 1920s. How do I find them.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.