Absolutely disgusting. Staged or not, it was rude of him to do so. All this is going to do is create a buzz around Kayne West to generate talk for his newest album.
And then everyone talking about it now negatively will fall into 2 categories: those who stay true to their word and not buy another Kayne album, and hypocrites who are saying they won't buy another album or song from him, and then go out and buy his new works like nothing ever happened.
I hope security escorted him out immediately. I don't know why he is even allowed anywhere in public anymore. It seems that he does something controversial at every event.
He can't be trusted to behave himself. He totally ruined Taylor Swift's first VMA win. I think she was just so stunned she didn't know what to do.
Kayne is arrogant, selfish and ridiculous. I can't believe how full of himself he is and that he thinks that is even remotely acceptable behavior. I would never let him come back to any type of award show.
He needs to learn his lesson and someone has to set boundaries with him.
.Kayne West isn't a "long term" artist. He doesn't have the same level or quality of music as bands like The Rolling Stones or even Snoop Dog. I like a few of his songs but more than that, I enjoy his business.
He's a smart business person. I think that this outburst was a calculated marketing move. A little more than a simple publicity stunt, this outburst was similar to his "speech" with Mike Myers a couple of years back.It will generate a lot of buzz and in a couple of weeks will be spun into new business.
Here is what my crystal ball says about this: In a couple of months, there will be a new album released where West will shout out to Swift in apology. If she's smart, she will even accept a featured credit on one of the songs or make an appearance in a video with West.
He should be barred from the next few award shows. This is also an appropriate response: digg.com/celebrity/Kayne_West_Wikipedia_....
I must say that I wasn't all that shocked to see Kanye West make a sheer spectacle out of himself at an award show ... once again. He obviously feeds off of being the center of attention. Of course, it wouldn't be a vast stretch to see these recurring outbursts as just wily marketing ploys.
However, I tend to think it's a mix of marketing and just a plain infantile personality. It's pretty sad that he didn't take into account Taylor Swift's age or the fact that that was her first VMA award. Thank god that Beyonce showed class and professionalism by allowing Swift to have her moment in the end.As for his apology, who knows if it is sincere.
Personally, I was more struck by how it sounded like something written by a 15 year old. One would expect that if he was sincere that he would have sat down and truly contemplated the moment. He wouldn't have made pitiful excuses on his blog like "I'm just real sorry for that".
I suppose no one told him there is a time and place for everything.
Unbelievable! What a completely arrogant immature washup. Honestly, his last songs have been all autotuned and here you have a young girl who writes her own songs and has shown enormous success and he wants to take that moment away from her?
Incredibly gracious of Beyonce to call her up on stage at the end. Beyonce is always a class act.
Ouburst was above and beyond uncalled for. After the show, we know who was the real professional artist. Kanye was not it!
Very insincere apology on his blog, and completely illiterate. Kanye, pick up a book and (learn how to) read, so you can learn how to write a sentence. Buy a dictionary Take an English class.
I think Kanye West made the wrong decision by going up to stage and telling everyone that beyonce's video was the best of all time. AND on top of that he didn't let taylor finish her acceptance speech.
Kanye West's outburst was not a shock, since he has previously over expressed his opinions before during an awards ceremony. What did surprise me though, was that he decided to come on stage while Ms. Taylor Swift gave her acceptance speech!
Poor girl, her first VMA ever, and it had to be ruined by none other than Kanye West. I feel his childish behavior should be noted for ALL future awards ceremonies. He should be banned from any other such engagements!
Pure publicity stunt and he should be banned from all awards shows.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.