Top 3" best Nikon Lenses for Macro These are the Macro lenses that I recommend, in the order of which I think are the best; However, you have to think about what you are going to be shooting. If you are taking macro pictures of a static object then a focal range for 60-90 is ideal. If, on the other hand, the object is likely to move then getting something with more telephoto reach is going to give you more leverage.
I am looking at getting the Nikkor 105mm after a few more weddings.1. Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Tamron 90mm f/" rel="nofollow"> 150mm f/ Sources: .
All of the Nikon macro lenses are great. The 60 is tack sharp, and goes 1:1. You need a lot of light and very steady hands or a good sturdy tripod.
Your working distance will be a little close if you're trying to capture insects or things that scare easily. A little more info here. I owned this lens and it was fantastic!
If your subject permits the use of a tripod and manual focus (AF is pretty useless close-in with this lens) this is your lens. It makes a decent portrait lens on a 1.5x body as well. The older 105 f/2.8D (no longer made) was a great lens, and will give you a more comfortable working distance from your subject.It can be found used for a similar price as the 60.
I'd suggest - their BGN equipment is a great buy and would be rated as an Excellent anywhere else. The new AF-S VR 105 f/2.8 is a wonderful lens if your subject doesn't permit the use of a tripod. You can chase around little creatures, and will get more usable exposures when shooing hand-held.
It'll cost you twice as much as the 60 though. The 200 is a legend, but is in a whole other bracket price-wise. If you simply must have the best, and need the working distance of a 200, go for it.
If you don't need to use in-camera metering or auto-focus, the excellent manual-focus micro-nikkors can be found used for a bargain. Again, take a look at Optically, the 105 f/2.8 AIS is nearly as good as the modern lenses, and can be had for less than $200 in great shape.
Good luck with your decision, and happy shooting! .
The best Nikon Macro Lens for D80 will be Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor LensI'm using it almost every day. Perfect! Com.
The 60mm Nikon Macro works for me There is a new 105mm VR macro just out but it is much more expensive. You probably want to use a tripod anyway and the 60mm is a 90mm equivalent on the D200.
What is the best all around lens for the Nikon D80" "if you just buy one. What is the best all around lens for a nikon d80? " "Nikon D80 and 70-300mm zoom lens along w/ circular polarizing filter, the images come out blurry.It's not VR or shake?
" "Would like lens recommendation for Nikon D80. Outdoor sports,shooting from bleachers.My AF/VR 18-200mm not enough zoom. " "what would be a good all a round lens for a nikon D80" "What's the better buy?
Canon Eos 400D with an 18-55 mm, a sony alpha 100 with an 18-70 mm or a nikon d80 (lens separate)" "Own a Nikon D80. Want telephoto lens. Should I choose new Nikon 70-300 VR or Tamron 18-250?
" "Ville, can you tell me that which camera will give me better picture? Canon XSI(18-55) or Nikon D80(Sigma 50mm, macro, )" "what's the best camera/lens for medical photography? " "I'm looking for the e-book on the nikon d80 camera?
What is the best all around lens for the Nikon D80.
If you just buy one. What is the best all around lens for a nikon d80?
Nikon D80 and 70-300mm zoom lens along w/ circular polarizing filter, the images come out blurry. It's not VR or shake?
Would like lens recommendation for Nikon D80. Outdoor sports,shooting from bleachers. My AF/VR 18-200mm not enough zoom.
What would be a good all a round lens for a nikon D80.
Canon Eos 400D with an 18-55 mm, a sony alpha 100 with an 18-70 mm or a nikon d80 (lens separate).
Own a Nikon D80. Want telephoto lens. Should I choose new Nikon 70-300 VR or Tamron 18-250?
Canon XSI(18-55) or Nikon D80(Sigma 50mm, macro, ).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.