So that you know and are ready for what you're getting yourself into. It's important to know everything about the field you wish to enter, that way there are no surprises along the way. Also to see if it's what you really want to do :).
I think a lot of people jump into careers head first without considering the long term outcome. Lots of jobs sound great on the surface, but can turn out to be low paying, time consuming nightmares.
Yes! It is very important to research any career field that you think you would be interested in! It is senseless to go to college, or receive extra training, for a job that will either not pay you enough, or you might end up hating.
If you looking at a career field for the money than your heart is in the wrong place and you will end up hating it!
There is a phrase "look before you leap", I think this should pretty much cover up your question.DR. DURRESHAHWAR PERVEZ.
First you check your ability, which career is suitable for you.
Well each business sector has its own rules and challenges. In order to be successfully it is recommended to be familiar with a market and also to create ties. Often you have to know many basic knowledge and in addition special knowledge about sales and marketing techniques.
If you become invited by a company that will address questions to you, then you already should know the answers or you wouldn´t get that job. In addition you should know the salaries in that business sector in order to know what you can demand.
That career is going set your life, if one has misjudged his career decision, he might be at big risk. Before deciding career detailed should be done, its potentiality must be checked. One should consult to their friends, elders or expert of the field in which you want to opt.At last career decision must suits your hobby, should inspire to do hard work.
Well each business sector has its own rules and challenges. In order to be successfully it is recommended to be familiar with a market and also to create ties.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.